Prove that God Exists

To prove that God exists might sound like an impossible task, but it’s a thought that has likely crossed your mind at some point.

Have you ever laid on your back, staring at a million stars, and felt that strange sense of something enormous out there?

Something way bigger than you can imagine?

That was me as a kid, lying on the grass with the night sky sparkling above.

Even then, the question “Is there more to life than just us and can I prove that God exists?” wouldn’t leave me alone.

Fast forward to my adult years.

Logic was my thing, facts were my allies. Faith?

That was for people who didn’t need evidence.

But even with all that order and reason, a small voice kept whispering.

Was there more to life than just equations and data?

That whisper turned into a full-blown quest, not just to believe, but to truly understand.

Not a blind leap of faith, but a search for something deeper.

This journey took me on some wild adventures, from mind-boggling concepts about the universe to the breathtaking beauty of nature.

What I found wasn’t one definitive answer, but a collection of intriguing possibilities. Each adding a new layer to the mystery.

Here’s the point

I want to share ten ways to think about God’s existence that might even make a sceptic like my former self say, “Hmm, interesting.”

This isn’t about converting anyone.

It’s about exploring the big, amazing unknown together.

Let’s dive in!

10 Ways To Prove To An Atheist That God Exists

1. A Life Transformed (The Story of John Newton)

John Newton
Prove that God Exists -The Story of John Newton

The Story of John Newton and many other transformed lives prove that God exists.

In his early years, Newton was deeply involved in the transatlantic slave trade, profiting from the suffering and exploitation of others.

His life was marked by moral corruption and indifference to the human misery he was causing.

However, during a perilous sea voyage in 1748, Newton encountered a violent storm that threatened to sink his ship.

In a moment of desperation, he cried out to God for mercy, despite having lived a life far removed from faith.

Miraculously, the storm subsided, and Newton’s ship was spared.

This experience marked the beginning of his spiritual awakening.

Newton renounced his former life and became a devout Christian.

His transformation was not just a personal change but one that had a profound impact on his actions and beliefs.

He went on to become an Anglican clergyman and a fervent abolitionist, dedicating his life to fighting the very trade he once participated in.

Newton’s story is immortalized in the hymn “Amazing Grace,” which he wrote to express his deep sense of gratitude for God’s mercy and forgiveness.

The lyrics of the hymn reflect his journey from a life of moral blindness to one of spiritual enlightenment:

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.”

Newton’s radical change in behaviour and the enduring impact of his work indicate an encounter with a higher power, God, capable of transforming lives in profound ways.

His life serves as a testament to the power of divine intervention and personal redemption.

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2. Historical Evidence (The Impact of Jesus’ Teachings)

Prove that God Exists
Prove that God Exists -The Impact of Jesus’ Teachings

One of the most significant pieces of historical evidence is the profound impact of Jesus’ teachings over the past two millennia.

Christianity, based on Jesus’ life and teachings, is the world’s largest religion, with over 2.4 billion followers today.

This staggering number is more than just a statistic.

It signifies a profound and lasting influence on human history.

Jesus’ teachings have deeply influenced laws, ethics, and social norms across cultures and epochs.

Consider the “Golden Rule,” one of Jesus’ most well-known teachings:

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 7:12).

This principle of reciprocal kindness and respect is found in many moral and ethical codes throughout history.

Historical documents and archaeological findings support the existence of Jesus and the early Christian movement.

The New Testament, composed of eyewitness accounts and letters, provides detailed narratives of Jesus’ life and the spread of Christianity.

These texts have been scrutinized and validated through various historical and literary analyses.

One notable historical document is the writings of Flavius Josephus, a Jewish historian born in A.D. 37.

In his work, “Antiquities of the Jews,” Josephus refers to Jesus, mentioning him as a wise man who performed astonishing deeds.

This external, non-Christian source corroborates the existence of Jesus and supports the historical foundation of the Christian faith.

The spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire is another testament to its historical significance.

Despite initial persecution, Christianity grew rapidly, eventually becoming the state religion of the Roman Empire by the end of the 4th century.

This dramatic shift influenced the development of Western civilization, shaping its philosophical, legal, and cultural frameworks.

Additionally, the teachings of Jesus have inspired countless social movements aimed at justice and equality.

For example, the abolitionist movement in the 18th and 19th centuries, which sought to end slavery, was significantly driven by Christian principles.

Leaders like William Wilberforce and John Newton, inspired by their faith, fought tirelessly for the emancipation of slaves.

Consider the impact of Jesus’ teachings on modern humanitarian efforts.

Organizations like the Red Cross, founded on Christian principles, have provided aid and relief to millions worldwide.

The core values of compassion, charity, and service to others, rooted in Jesus’ teachings, continue to inspire and guide these efforts.

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3. Science and Faith in Harmony

Prove that God Exists -Science and Faith in Harmony

You might think that science and faith are at odds, but history tells a different story.

Many renowned scientists found their faith to be a source of inspiration and understanding.

Take, for example, the work of Johannes Kepler, a devout Christian and a pioneering figure in astronomy.

Kepler’s belief in an orderly universe, created by a rational God, drove him to uncover the laws of planetary motion.

He famously said, “I am merely thinking God’s thoughts after Him,” highlighting how his scientific discoveries were deeply intertwined with his faith.

Although our eternal God lives outside of time, He created man to live within its bounds.

Genesis 1:14-16 states,

“And God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and seasons, and days, and years.”

This passage emphasizes the divine intention behind the creation of the sun, moon, and stars—not only to provide light but to regulate time.

For many centuries, the movements of the heavenly bodies were a mystery.

Ancient astronomers, despite their brilliance, often struggled to understand planetary motion.

But centuries later, God raised extraordinary men like Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, and Johannes Kepler, who challenged and refined ancient theories.

Copernicus, for instance, proposed the heliocentric model, which positioned the sun at the centre of the solar system, contrary to the long-held geocentric model.

Galileo, using his improved telescope, discovered the moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus, providing further evidence for the heliocentric model.

Tycho Brahe’s meticulous observations of the stars and planets laid the groundwork for Kepler’s revolutionary laws of planetary motion, which described planets moving in elliptical orbits.

Kepler’s profound faith and scientific rigour led him to articulate the harmony of the heavens.

His work, Harmonice Mundi (The Harmony of the World), reflected his belief that the universe was created with an inherent order and purpose.

He wrote:

“Out of Him, through Him, and in Him are all things, every perception and every knowledge, that of which we are profoundly unaware and that of which we know, oh, so little, in comparison with all that is beyond our reach. To Him be the praise, the honour, and the glory from eternity to eternity.”

Such historical examples demonstrate that science and faith can coexist and complement each other.

Kepler’s scientific achievements were fueled by his belief in a rational Creator.

His discoveries not only advanced human understanding of the cosmos but also reinforced his faith in a divine order.

The sun, moon, and stars serve as constant reminders of the Creator’s intricate design.

Their precise movements govern days, months, and years, revealing a divine harmony that invites one to explore and understand the universe.

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4. Miracles in Everyday Life

Prove that God Exists
Prove that God Exists -Miracles

Have you ever prayed earnestly for something and got it?

When prayers are answered in such specific and timely ways, it can be a powerful indication of God’s presence and responsiveness.

One of the most compelling examples of this is the life and work of George Mueller, a Christian evangelist and philanthropist who founded many orphanages in 19th-century England.

Mueller’s entire approach to supporting his orphanages was based on prayer and faith.

He never asked for money directly; instead, he relied entirely on prayer, believing that God would provide for their needs.

And time and time again, God answered his prayers in ways that were both specific and extraordinary.

One notable instance occurred when the orphanage was completely out of food.

Mueller gathered the children and staff and prayed, thanking God for the food they were about to receive.

Within minutes, there was a knock on the door.

It was a local baker who had been inspired to bake extra bread and donate it to the orphanage.

Shortly after, a milk cart broke down in front of the orphanage, and the milkman offered the milk to Mueller, knowing it would spoil otherwise.

The orphanage had breakfast that morning, a direct answer to Mueller’s prayer.

Science and faith can coexist and complement each other

This is not an isolated incident.

There are many documented cases where Mueller’s prayers were answered in precise and timely ways, providing exactly what was needed at the moment it was needed.

Such instances make it hard to attribute the outcomes to mere chance.

Consider another example: A small church community in a drought-stricken area prayed fervently for rain.

They scheduled a prayer meeting and asked the congregation to come prepared to pray for rain.

As the meeting began, one little girl arrived with an umbrella.

When asked why she brought it, she replied, “We are praying for rain, aren’t we?”

Her simple faith was rewarded. 

As the prayer meeting concluded, the skies opened, and rain poured down, breaking the drought.

These stories are powerful because they illustrate that a God who doesn’t exist cannot answer prayers.

Yet, when you see such specific answers to prayers, it suggests that God is indeed there, listening and responding.

Psalm 34:17 says, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.”

This verse resonates deeply when you hear about prayers being answered in such miraculous ways.

It reinforces the belief that God is not only present but actively involved in our lives, responding to our needs and concerns.

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5. Philosophical Perspective (Finding Coherence and Purpose in Faith)

Prove that God Exists -Finding Coherence

Questions like, “Why am I here?” “What is my purpose?” and “What happens after I die?” have been at the heart of human thought for centuries.

While various philosophies and ideologies offer different answers, the concept of God provides a uniquely coherent and fulfilling framework for understanding existence, purpose, and meaning.

Consider the concept of existence itself.

The idea of a Creator offers a logical explanation for why there is something rather than nothing.

The philosophical argument known as the Cosmological Argument posits that everything that begins to exist has a cause.

Since the universe began to exist, it must have a cause, and this cause, many argue, is God.

This aligns with the biblical assertion in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

Everything that begins to exist has a cause.

The notion of a divine Creator who sets everything into motion provides a satisfying answer to the question of your origin.

Purpose and meaning are other areas where the belief in God provides profound clarity.

If the universe and life are the results of random chance, it can be challenging to find any inherent purpose in your existence.

However, if you believe that a loving and intentional God created you, your life takes on significant meaning.

Take the philosopher and theologian C.S. Lewis for example.

Lewis was once an atheist, but he found that his atheistic worldview left him with more questions than answers, particularly about morality, purpose, and the nature of good and evil.

His search for truth led him to Christianity, where he found a coherent explanation for these existential questions.

In his book “Mere Christianity”, Lewis writes, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”

This statement encapsulates the idea that belief in God provides a framework for understanding one’s deepest longings and aspirations.

Furthermore, the belief in God addresses the question of what happens after death.

The promise of eternal life provides hope and assurance that your existence does not end with physical death.

This belief is articulated in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

This hope of eternal life offers a profound sense of purpose and direction, influencing how believers live their lives and face challenges.

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6. Near-Death Experiences

Prove that God Exists
Prove that God Exists -NDE

Near-death experiences (NDEs) often provide compelling accounts of encounters that defy natural explanations and hint at the existence of a higher power.

These experiences can be profoundly transformative, leaving individuals with an unshakable belief in God and the afterlife.

One particularly striking example is the story of Travis Greene, a well-known gospel singer and pastor.

When Travis was just four years old, he fell from a four-story window, landing on a concrete floor.

The severity of the fall was such that he was pronounced dead at the scene.

His mother, a devout Christian, prayed fervently, refusing to accept that her son was gone.

Miraculously, Travis regained consciousness and was eventually declared to have no lasting injuries.

He later described a vivid experience during the time he was unconscious—a sense of peace and the presence of a divine being.

This experience profoundly impacted Travis’s life, strengthening his faith and commitment to sharing the message of God’s love and power.

His story is a testament to the belief that near-death experiences can serve as powerful evidence of God’s existence and intervention in our lives.

Such encounters often leave individuals with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm.

The Apostle Paul’s experience, described in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, bears some similarities to modern NDE accounts:

“I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man… was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell.”

Medical professionals and researchers have studied near-death experiences extensively, yet many aspects remain beyond scientific explanation.

While some attribute these experiences to physiological and psychological factors, the profound and often life-changing impact on those who undergo them suggests a deeper, spiritual dimension.

The consistent themes of love, light, and encounters with divine beings point to the possibility of a reality that transcends the physical world.

Another example is the case of Dr Mary Neal, an orthopaedic spine surgeon who experienced an NDE after a kayaking accident.

Dr. Neal was pinned underwater for over fifteen minutes and was declared dead upon rescue.

During her NDE, she reported being surrounded by a sense of warmth and love and encountered spiritual beings who communicated with her.

She was told that it was not her time to die and that she had more work to do on Earth.

Dr. Neal’s experience transformed her perspective on life and death, reinforcing her belief in God’s existence and the afterlife.

These accounts of near-death experiences offer compelling evidence for those seeking to understand the nature of God and the afterlife.

They provide glimpses into a reality that goes beyond physical existence and challenge one to consider the possibility of a divine presence that guides and cares for us.

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7. Jerusalem (A Living Testament to Biblical Truths)

Prove that God Exists -
Prove that God Exists -A Living Testament to Biblical Truths

If you’ve ever considered the idea of travelling to a place where ancient scriptures come to life, Jerusalem, a city steeped in history and spiritual significance, offers a unique opportunity to do just that.

For centuries, believers and sceptics alike have journeyed to Jerusalem to explore the very locations mentioned in the Bible, and many have found that the descriptions and events recorded in the scriptures align remarkably with the physical reality of the city.

Walking through its streets, one can visit sites that are directly linked to pivotal events in the life of Jesus Christ.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre for instance is traditionally believed to be the site of Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.

The sense of awe and reverence felt by those who visit this sacred place can be overwhelming, as they stand where history and faith intersect so vividly.

Consider the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed on the night before His crucifixion.

The olive trees in the garden are ancient, some estimated to be over 2,000 years old, potentially dating back to the time of Christ.

Visitors often report a profound sense of connection to the biblical narrative as they reflect on the events that took place there, just as described in the Gospels (Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46).

The Western Wall, a remnant of the Second Temple, stands as a testament to the ancient Jewish faith and the fulfilment of biblical prophecies.

The temple’s destruction was foretold by Jesus in Matthew 24:2:

“Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; everyone will be thrown down.”

Standing before the Western Wall, visitors often feel a tangible connection to the prophetic words of the Bible and the enduring faith of the Jewish people.

Furthermore, archaeological discoveries in Jerusalem have continually affirmed the historical accuracy of the Bible.

Excavations have unearthed artefacts and structures that corroborate biblical accounts.

For example, the Pool of Bethesda, mentioned in John 5:1-15, was discovered in the late 19th century.

The detailed description of the pool in the Gospel aligns with the archaeological findings, reinforcing the credibility of the biblical narrative.

Walking the Via Dolorosa, the path that Jesus is believed to have taken on His way to the crucifixion provides a powerful, immersive experience.

The path is lined with stations that mark significant events described in the Passion of Christ.

For many, this journey is a deeply moving confirmation of the scriptures’ vivid portrayal of Jesus’ final hours.

The experience of seeing these places in person can be transformative, bringing the stories of the Bible to life in a way that is both profound and personal.

The existence of Jerusalem and many other cities of old prove that God Exists.

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8. Dreams and Visions

Prove that God Exists -Dreams and Visions

Throughout history, dreams and visions have been powerful ways in which God communicates with people.

The Bible is filled with accounts of such experiences, and many believers today still report receiving divine messages through dreams and visions.

In Genesis 41, Pharaoh had disturbing dreams that no one could interpret.

Joseph, known for his ability to understand dreams, was called upon.

He revealed that Pharaoh’s dreams foretold seven years of abundance followed by seven years of severe famine.

Because of this divine revelation, Egypt was able to prepare and save many lives during the famine.

This story illustrates how dreams can convey crucial information and guidance from God.

In Acts 10, Peter saw a vision of a large sheet filled with various animals being lowered from heaven.

A voice told him to kill and eat, but Peter, a devout Jew, refused because the animals were considered unclean.

The voice responded, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

This vision led to the understanding that the Gospel was for all people, not just Jews.

Peter’s vision was a pivotal moment in the early Christian Church, expanding its mission to include Gentiles.

The Gospel is for all people, not just Jews

A contemporary example is the story of Tom Doyle. A missionary who has documented numerous accounts of Muslims in the Middle East having dreams and visions of Jesus.

These encounters often lead to profound spiritual transformations and conversions to Christianity.

These individuals frequently describe seeing a man in white, who they come to recognize as Jesus, inviting them to follow Him.

These experiences are deeply personal and life-changing. They provide evidence to those who have them that God is real and active in their lives.

Another striking example is the case of Dr Eben Alexander. A neurosurgeon who was once sceptical about near-death experiences and the afterlife.

After contracting a severe case of bacterial meningitis, Dr. Alexander fell into a coma and had a vivid, transformative experience.

He described a journey to a heavenly realm where he encountered divine beings and received profound insights about the nature of existence and the afterlife.

This experience dramatically changed his perspective, leading him to embrace the reality of a higher power.

Dreams and visions are reminders that God is not distant or silent. He actively engages in guiding and comforting His people.

They serve as a testament to the relationship between the divine and humanity.

They offer hope and reassurance in a world often filled with uncertainty.

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9. Movies and Books Based on True Life Experiences

Prove that God Exists -True Life Experiences

Many books and movies based on true-life experiences have captured the profound impact of faith and the existence of God.

The book and movie “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel is a remarkable example.

Strobel, an investigative journalist and avowed atheist, set out to disprove Christianity after his wife converted to the faith.

Using his journalistic and legal expertise, he investigated the historical evidence for Jesus.

His extensive research and interviews with experts led him to a surprising conclusion: The evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming.

Strobel’s journey from scepticism to faith is a compelling testament to the power of evidence and the existence of God.

Another standout example is the movie “Miracles from Heaven”.

The film tells the true story of Annabel Beam, a young girl who suffered from a rare, incurable digestive disorder.

Despite numerous treatments, Annabel’s condition seemed hopeless, leaving her family in despair.

However, after a near-death experience where she fell into a hollow tree and was miraculously unharmed.

Annabel claimed to have visited heaven.

Following this incident, she was inexplicably cured of her illness.

The movie portrays the Beam family’s journey through doubt, faith, and ultimately, miraculous healing, highlighting the power of prayer and the presence of God in their lives.

Another powerful example is “Heaven is for Real”. A book and later a movie that recounts the true story of Colton Burpo.

At the age of four, Colton underwent emergency surgery. During the operation, experienced what he described as a visit to heaven.

He later shared detailed descriptions of meeting deceased family members and encountering Jesus.

His accounts, which included information he couldn’t have known, astonished his family. This provided them with profound reassurance of the afterlife and God’s reality.

These stories provide a powerful means of exploring and understanding faith. They offer real-life examples of God’s intervention, presenting evidence that can challenge even the most sceptical mind.

In engaging with these stories, you may find that they speak to your own experiences and questions.

They serve as reminders that God’s presence is not confined to ancient texts or distant times but is active and visible in the lives of people today.

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10. Fulfilled Prophecies

Prove that God Exists
Prove that God Exists -Fulfilled Prophecies

The fulfilment of biblical prophecies in the present world serves as a powerful testament to the existence and omniscience of God.

You might be surprised to learn that several events in the 21st century fulfil biblical prophecies.

They offer fresh evidence of divine foreknowledge and intervention.

One notable example is the ongoing significance of Jerusalem.

The Bible contains numerous prophecies about Jerusalem, often referred to as a burdensome stone or a cup of trembling for the nations.

Zechariah 12:3 states, “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.”

The city has remained a focal point of international tension and conflict, especially in the 2000s.

Significant events such as the Second Intifada, the construction of the Israeli West Bank barrier, and various peace negotiations and conflicts.

The recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by the United States in 2017 further intensified global discussions and divisions. This highlights its central role in world affairs as prophesied.

Aliyah: The return of the Jewish people to Israel

The return of the Jewish people to Israel, often referred to as Aliyah, continues to be a significant fulfilment of biblical prophecy.

Jeremiah 31:8-10 speaks of God gathering His people from the ends of the earth and bringing them back to their land.

Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, millions of Jews have returned to Israel from all corners of the globe.

This return has continued into the 21st century, with notable waves of immigration from countries such as Ethiopia, Russia, France, and Ukraine.

The ongoing Aliyah reinforces the fulfilment of God’s promise to regather His people.

These fulfilled prophecies provide a strong foundation for belief in the divine origin of the Bible and the existence of God.

They demonstrate that the Scriptures are not merely historical documents.

They contain the living word of a God who knows the end from the beginning.

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Final Words

You can find the presence of God in every situation, whether grand or seemingly insignificant.

Even in the tiniest case or incident, the hand of God is at work, guiding, comforting, and revealing His presence.

As you reflect on these ways that point to the existence of God, consider how they resonate with your own experiences.

Have you encountered moments that felt too extraordinary to be mere coincidence?

Share your thoughts, questions, and experiences in the comments below.

Your journey of faith and discovery is just beginning.

I’m excited to hear about how you see God in your story.

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