4 Super Tips To Build Trust In Business
One of the most important things for any company with a public-facing element to the business is having the public’s trust.
There are a few reasons why this is important, but most of this comes down to the fact that if the public doesn’t trust you, they’ll be hesitant to buy products from you or utilize your services.
This can then lead to a drop in your profits and the overall growth of your business. To help with this, I’ve listed a few methods that could help you gain public trust in your company.
1. Focus On Transparency
Honesty is something that many companies lack today, and the public is getting much better at detecting this.
Most of your customers are going to care about a lack of transparency. Therefore it’s important to strive towards creating a culture of honesty and openness with your customers as well as your team.
For example, if you make a mistake, trying to cover it up is only going to make the problem worse if it comes to light. Instead, you should aim to own these mistakes, apologize professionally and work to reassure customers that you have learned from them.
2. Provide Great Customer Service
Alongside being transparent, your business needs to be able to allay the concerns of your customers as soon as possible.
This can be done via a high-quality customer service team with a focus on first-call resolution and minimal wait times.
The frustration that long wait times can cause for your customers can have a serious impact on how others will perceive your business.
This is partly because you might find these complaints being directed towards social media for all of the public to see should you leave customers on hold for a long time or fail to rectify their issues.
3. Champion Important Initiatives
Many topics in society today will strike a chord with your customers, and throwing your weight behind important initiatives can show your customers that you’re on their side.
There are many different causes that you could support, and a significantly popular one today is environmentalism. Businesses are some of the largest contributors to environmental damage, predominantly carbon emissions and waste production.
Striving to counteract these things by using sustainable packaging for your products and switching the vehicles in your fleet to electric models can help your business become greener. This will help the public look more favourably towards you.
4. Engage With Customers
It is very important to show that your business isn’t just a brand and that there are real people behind it. Of course, people do already know this, but when we talk about showing that real people are running a company, we simply mean to show that you and your team have things in common with your customers.
Having fun with social media, creating behind-the-scenes videos of your day-to-day work, and also simply engaging with your customers directly via your social media channels are all great ways to show off your human side and increase brand awareness.
Understandably, the public is going to put more trust in a team of regular, approachable people rather than a group of hard-faced businessmen in suits. So, you should aim to present yourself in a way that makes people feel at ease.