15 Top Verbal Reasoning Tips And Tricks

In today’s era of extensive professional competency, recruiting agencies and workforce hiring firms are coming up with innovative test ideas to examine the candidates’ potential.

Verbal reasoning tests are an interesting means of adhering to the concern.

These are often language tests that examine your analyzing and comprehension abilities while coming to precise conclusions.

The following article presents a few quick tips and tricks to ace these text-based tests.

Tips and Tricks to Excel in Verbal Tests

1. Attempt a Repeated Read Out

Your reading frequency is the first thing you should care about while answering a verbal reasoning test. Such tests have a deliberate level of language difficulty, so it becomes important to take several reading attempts for a concise understanding.

Reading the content multiple times also helps you to fetch hidden and indirect information. This may be a necessary element for the questions that follow the passage.

The habit also reduces the chances of misinterpreting any information. You should pay additional attention to the instructions given with the text and the questions.

Being both general and specific, such instructions are there to help you with answering the questions accurately.

Read 6 IELTS Reading Tips For True False Not Given (Plus Resources)

2. Avoid Making Assumptions

Never ignore the fact that the answers to a verbal reasoning test are exclusively centered on the information provided in the passage.

You are, therefore, advised to take everything in a literal sense without letting your real-life experiences and thought processes come in between.

In case of situational conflicts, it would be best to stick to the passage data, ahead of your knowledge and assumptions, lest you may end up on the wrong foot.

3. Sharpen Your Analytical Skills

To excel in a verbal test, it is important to continuously improve your analytical and comprehension skills. Develop a habit of reading and understanding the information provided in top-rated business articles.

Paying attention to the little details is one of the best ways to pass verbal reasoning tests.

When reading the article thoroughly, try to extract the central idea and details. Pay attention to the principal themes and arguments presented in the content.

You can then attempt to understand the style used by the author to put forward supportive arguments for the presented ideas.

This will help you to improve a great deal on your abilities to reason out and read between the lines of the mainstream information.

4. Improve Your English Language

If you land among the candidates who do not have English as their first language, these tests may be a relatively harder nut to crack.

You are thus required to have a much better command of the language with an intensified level of consistent practice. A smart and productive way to enhance the same can be a regular habit of reading English newspaper articles.

You can pick any of the mainstream newsletters and editorial articles to improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills in English. We also wrote an interview guide that shows how to use the right vocabulary.



Understanding True, False and Not Given Tasks in IELTS
Understanding True, False and Not Given Tasks in IELTS

5. Practice In the Appearing Format

Consistent practice is undoubtedly the key to success in such tests. However, how you move ahead with the same can make a lot of difference.

Before you start your verbal reasoning test, take care to work on the exact format that the final test will be presented.

If you are about to take an online verbal test, it would be best to practice online.

Remember that online reading takes longer than paper. You should get used to the same.

6. Speed Reading

This is your ability to read through a body of text as quickly as possible.

Most often, people speed read when they’re reading audibly, but you must practice how to speed read in your mind as well.

This prepares for the examination atmosphere and can serve as one of the solutions to examination malpractice.

When you’re practising your speed reading, try to explain what you read to an invisible person or write it down because this gives you confidence in your comprehension ability even when you go beyond the optimum speed.


Understanding True, False and Not Given Tasks in IELTS
Understanding True, False and Not Given Tasks in IELTS

7. Understand the Question type

In your verbal reasoning test, there are varying types of questions that will require different kinds of answers.

The answer to questions may be true, false, can’t say, or maybe a particular illustration (in the case of abstract reasoning). Be that as it may, understanding the question type confines your mind to know what to extract from the given text or passage.

Another tip to help you understand the question type is to always read the preceding instruction and know the range of questions that follow a particular question type.

8. Know your examiner

In very rare cases, it might be impossible to always determine the examination body.

However, it is of great importance to find out the examination body in charge of your intended verbal reasoning test.

This is so because verbal reasoning tests are meant to assess your intelligence quotient, therefore, there may be variations in the manner examination bodies operate.

So, to brush up on your preparations, find out the examination body, and if possible, study the approach and rudiments of their questions.

Be sure to study something every day. You may need to find out how to make yourself study every day just to stay on top of your game.

9. Answer Precedence

This is a smart way to get convinced that your chosen option is correct.

This could be achieved by reading the question and providing a rough answer in your mind without looking at the options.

By doing this you build confidence in your retention capacity. This method also helps especially in cases where a concept you previously understood may have slipped off your mind.

If the answer you’re providing comes as a reflex, then it is very likely to be correct; if it doesn’t, you may now begin to analyze normally.

10. Negative Questioning tricks

Individuals that are yet to participate in a verbal reasoning test may not understand or may doubt the possibility of errors due to not reading the questions carefully.

A widespread instance is in questions where a negated answer is required.

A question may ask “which of these is ‘not’…”, but the individual omits the ‘not’ while reading. Other questions may use phrases such as ‘is not likely to ’, ‘all but one of these, ‘all the following are ways except’, and so on.

Watch carefully for this and be sure that your mind’s eye has not added or removed the negation requirement. Learn how to study smart for exams. This will help you when you are faced with questions.

11. Negative Scoring Technique

Most examiners may not want you to gamble your way through the answers.

As such, they score you a point for every correct answer, score you zero for the questions you select the ‘I don’t know ‘option, and give you a negative score (e.g. -1, -2, or -3) for every question you attempted that is incorrect.

This tip is worth knowing to enhance your preparation. However, it happens in rare cases and may or may not be stated in the instruction column.

12. Marking unanswered questions

Except otherwise stated, the questions in a verbal reasoning test are very much likely to carry the same mark.

Therefore, it is a bad strategy to dwell for too long on a particular question.

Simple arithmetic is to divide the time (in minutes) by the number of questions you have to answer.

This calculation will give you the average amount of time you should spend on a particular question.

With this knowledge, once you exceed the average time without being able to answer that particular question correctly; then such question should be skipped. This should not be a problem if you have mastered effective time management strategies as a student.

The idea behind this decision is that most examiners may want to trick you into spending your time on a question at the expense of others.

Also, dwelling too long on a question that you can’t answer will dampen your confidence in approaching the remaining part of the test.

So, skip such questions and return to them if you have time left.


Understanding True, False and Not Given Tasks in IELTS
Understanding True, False and Not Given Tasks in IELTS

13. Answer inadequacies

This is simply whiling away your time because you feel you have covered a great deal of the questions within a reasonable time frame.

Most people may be tempted to slow down the pace at which they answer questions or in most cases waste time on a question even after finding the answer.

Also, when people are fast to get the answer to a particular question, they may have some premonitions that the question couldn’t have been so straightforward for them to have gotten the answer so quickly.

As such, instead of picking the glaring answer, they decide to inconsequentially double-check by reading the question more than they should.

If you trust your reading and comprehension abilities, this shouldn’t be the case.

Read 198 Commonly Mispronounced English Words In Nigeria

14. Adjusting to the test condition

When preparing for the test, your mindset was to answer all questions within the stipulated time.

However, your condition (for instance) within the test shows that you’ve only attempted 80%, out of which you may be sure of just 65%.

To brace up for whatever reality, you should plan to have a certain “injury time” where you are concerned with just attempting all the remaining questions (based on instincts) without considering whether or not your answers are right or wrong.

For instance, a student could plan that once he realizes that he’s left with just 10 mins of the examination time, he can resort to the random ticking of answers.

The only circumstance where this tip does not apply is when it has been stated that a negative scoring technique would be applied. This strategy is a good way to manage stress during a test.

15. Health check; diet, rest, and sleep.

It is important that you learn how to create a study environment at home if you must study well.

However, after a stressful preparation for the test, the best way to refresh your mind and body is to sleep.

Sleep improves your coordination and retention ability, and above all, it reduces the impact of the preparation’s stress on your health.

Diet also plays a role in keeping your mind fit and alert for the test. Some foods keep you sound to write your test, and others may make you sleepy or dizzy while taking your test.

The worst mistake is to stay all night when you have a test in the morning. This puts you under very serious pressure.

In essence, eat healthily and sleep for recommended hours before the test. These three factors are important for you to effectively study at home.


Understanding True, False and Not Given Tasks in IELTS
Understanding True, False and Not Given Tasks in IELTS
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