20 Incredible Stress Management Tips For College Students
Now that your first-year registration is complete, the orientation period is over and the matriculation ceremony is done and dusted, you are feeling excited ;-).
Lectures, assignments, class works, term papers, group works and other responsibilities are already in progress and they seem unending even when the time to attend to them all is so limited.
While you are still trying to enjoy the University system as you see it in movies, several impromptu tests have taken you unawares with little or no preparation and whenever you are in class, it seems the lecturers speak in foreign tongues. This is the beginning of anxiety.
You hardly understand what is being taught in class and while other students ask questions, you begin to wonder where they got the questions from. You also wish to ask questions the smart way.
Yet, there are a whole lot of things to read, lots of tutorials to attend, and other extra-curricular activities – to mention a few – beckon at you every now and then.
Now you ask yourself – ‘How do I cope with all these, achieve my academic goals and become a highly successful student?’
Many other questions pop up without answers, making your head feel so hot. Well, the only seemingly possible solution is for you to learn how to cope with all these university activities without breaking down or being stressed out.
So, how do you cope with stress as a student?
I will be giving you some tips that have helped me and others to succeed in that phase of life.
You are in the right place. Just don’t stop until you get to the end. I will give you some stress management tips that will help you through this stage of yours.
1. You are now an adult
Yes, irrespective of your age, once you are admitted into the university, you automatically become an adult! Surprised? Well, that’s the implication.
You are now expected to be responsible for your life. Tell yourself this over and over again especially if you have parents who want to assist you with everything. “I am now an adult”.
This implies responsibility and not frivolity. Every choice you make not only determines your attitude to life but also the kind of result you get at the end of your studies.
So, you have to learn now that all your decisions have consequences that will determine who you become!
Whether you want to concentrate on your studies while in love at the same time or you want to focus on your study alone; whether you want to study and at the same time, run a business. You sincerely need to know what you want from life and how you will achieve it.
2. Have a plan
There is a popular saying – “failure to plan, is planning to fail.” As a student, you need to draw out plans for yourself according to your own preferences, desires, abilities, and expectations.
Part of how to make your life better is to plan your time, your activities, your involvements, your leisure and work time, your everything! Never run a course without a plan. Never!
Plan and re-evaluate your time. Try as much as possible to have more than one plan. Having alternative plans give you room to choose what suits you most for different situations.
With more options, you can face your challenge in a more relaxed state which in turn reduces your stress.
3. Set a goal for yourself
You need to ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing. Why are you at university? See the big picture and always remind yourself why it is worth the trouble.
Irrespective of why you are in the university, set achievable goals for yourself based on your capacity and your ambition. Set the goals according to your ability.
Do not just aim high, also design how you want to achieve whatever goal you have set for yourself. Do your best to stick to your plan.
For instance, if you have always been an average student while aiming higher, do not subject yourself to unnecessary stress by aiming at what is far beyond your reach. Aim higher but be realistic and practical in your approach. One of your aims could also be to win scholarships for further studies abroad. The video below will give you some insights.
4. Be focused on your plan
There will be many things calling your attention but you have to stay focused on what you have set out to achieve. The first-class result is made simple already. If you are focused, you can achieve it.
Many of these things are good in themselves but they will take away a big chunk of your limited time which will contribute to your stress.
You may decide to use your holiday period to pursue some of these things calling your attention rather than squeezing them into your tight schedule.
Do not be a jack of all trades. Sometimes you have to turn off your mobile phone and create a very calm, cool, and quiet environment for yourself. This is usually refreshing and helps you to relax.
5. Make friends with like minds

Do not just follow the multitude, be deliberate about the people you move with. Move with people of like passion and don’t hesitate to change friends once their passion or attitude changes.
Also, stay around positive and happy people to influence your thought process. You cannot overemphasize the benefits of positive thinking.
Do not always stay around moody people or people who have issues with their friends succeeding. Do not move with people that will stress you emotionally.
Be emotionally stable and avoid unhealthy relationships.
6. Time management
Time is life. Learn how to manage your time. Learn how to maximize your time at every point in time. Every time wasted is life wasted. Do not waste your life.
Live life deliberately. You can never tell how much you can achieve in 5 minutes until you decide to invest it purposefully.
Time is money. Time is everything. Be time conscious. Avoid time-wasting associations and activities.
7. Celebrate your achievement

Take time to celebrate yourself after you achieve any of your set goals no matter how small that looks. If you don’t celebrate yourself, who will? Be excited about your achievements! Celebrating your achievements refreshes you and gives you the energy to work harder on other goals. Encourage yourself when you perform below expectations. Do this using your past achievements. Never stay too long mourning a failure.
Move on as quickly as possible urging yourself to get your best. Be positive in your disposition to things and life generally.
One failure should not set you back so encourage yourself and move on because failure is part of life and failure makes your success story more inspiring! But limit your failures by learning from past failure(s).
8. Relate to people ahead of you

Make friends with people at a higher level than you. They will educate you on your present and next level. When you ask them questions, they could also give you relevant materials and information you might need.
This will help you to prepare ahead of the class and the semester or session generally.
Also, they will help you out of so many difficult situations by providing adequate and relevant mentoring based on experience.
9. Avoid procrastination
Procrastination kills success and eats up useful time. Be quick to do what you ought to do quickly. Do not wait till it gets late. Avoid procrastination as much as possible! Always give attention to continuous assessments and classes. Read daily.
Do not wait for test or exam timetables before you begin preparations. Early preparations have been found as one of the solutions to examination malpractices.
Start your preparation now! You only have today. So, do all you have to do now!
10. Eat good food (balanced diet)

Eat foods that help your brain to function well. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Drink a lot of water in order to increase your performance.
Avoid eating junk all the time. In fact, reduce your intake of junk. Take foods that are well prepared and rich in all nutrients relevant to your body’s optimal functionality.
11. Create time for rest, exercise, and play

Take some time to relax, refresh and enjoy yourself. Do not stop living because you want to achieve your academic goals. Remember the saying; “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Your brain needs a period of rest.
Exercise helps your body’s metabolism; it helps your muscles and digestive system. It helps blood circulation too. So, exercise is also necessary for you to achieve success.
Move your body, stay healthy and your mind will follow suit! Keep your environment tidy. Stay calm, and cool, and concentrate on enjoying your study.
12. Love the Lord your God
He owns you, loves you, and knows what is best for you. Decide to live for him, employ the Holy Spirit to guide you in all you do and you will be happy you did.
As a Christian, always ask the Holy Spirit to help you in your academics. He is your teacher. The Bible says He will teach you all things! Yes, all things.
Do not limit Him to your Bible Study alone. Ask Him to help you with difficult times. Commit your plans to Him and you can be assured that you will succeed in all you do in obedience to Him.
13. Attend class regularly
One of the major ways to manage stress for college students is to attend classes regularly. Be as regular as a wall clock.
Going to class regularly and jotting down some important points during lectures will help you during the examination period.
You know the examination period can be hectic and you don’t want to be caught cheating during the exam. The effects of examination malpractice are enormous; so, attend classes regularly!
Attending class regularly will help in planning your schedule. You will know the number of assignments given. Besides, attending class regularly will save you from missing an impromptu test.
Missing an impromptu test can be very stressful because you will have to start begging your lecturers to retake the test. That’s why attending class regularly is one of the best ways to manage stress among college students.
14. Sleep after lectures
Attending lectures can be very stressful especially if your lectures are scheduled for 7:00 a.m. shortly after lectures, find a quiet place to sleep. You can go home if you don’t have any other lectures for the rest of the day.
A proverb says” The eye is not harmed by sleep” Sleeping after attending lectures can be very helpful.
When you deprive yourself of sleep, you are inviting stress to your body. Lack of sleep leads to constant migraine which is not healthy for your health.
Taking a nap after lectures is not a bad idea. Sleep like a baby and wake up like a giant. Most college students are easily stressed because they deprive their bodies of good sleep.
15. Listen to music
College life can be stressful from attending lectures, submitting assignments, and presentation of group class work. In the midst of all these, unwind your mind.
Calm down your nerves by listening to soulful music that will uplift your soul. How does music relieve stress?
Music is a powerful instrument that programs the mind in a specific way. Listening to music helps in emotional well-being and it brings nostalgic memories.
If you are looking for ways to get motivated to study even if you are depressed, try music! It is such a great distraction that aids in relieving stress.
Listening to songs like Wake up by Marvin Gay, and Heal the world by Micheal Jackson can appease your soul by helping you to forget the stress face in your college.
16. Revise Every topic immediately after lectures
Revising every topic taught in class is one of the best ways for relieving stress. When you revise every topic taught in class, reading for examinations will be as easy as ABC.
Covering every topic taught in the class when the examination is close is not an easy task. To manage your stress, try studying for exams on the day you start attending lectures.
An examination can create stress, anxiety, and worries when you are not fully prepared. An adage says” Rome was not built in a day”. You can’t cover all topics in a day.
Revising every topic taught each day will save you from stress. At least, you will be free from anxiety and examination stress.
Plan by reading and revising the topic taught in class before the examination starts. Remember, an adage says ” If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
17. Have a Quiet time
To manage stress faced in college. Why not have quiet time alone? Having quiet time alone has many benefits. It is one of the ways to create a study environment at home.
There are many ways you can manage your quiet time. You can use your quiet time to complete your assignment, listen to music, and engage in activities that provide you with happiness.
18. Rent accommodation close to your college
Some colleges don’t have hostels. Rent an apartment close to your school to relieve you of commuting stress.
Finding a bus or cab to school can be very stressful. The best thing you can do is to rent an apartment close to your school.
Renting an apartment close to school will aid your punctuality to school. You can easily rest after school lectures because your accommodation is close to school.
One of the mistakes most college students make that add to their stress is that they rent accommodation that is not close to their college.
Some students rent apartments in an environment that is not close to school because they want to be hanging out with their friends.
When renting an apartment, check the proximity of your accommodation to your college so that you won’t be stressed out.
19. Engage in Extracurricular activities
“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. Spice your college life by engaging in extracurricular activities.
The importance of extracurricular activities for you as a college student cannot be underestimated. It might be in the form of joining a football team or joining a cultural troupe.
Attend comedy shows that will keep you laughing all day, after all, laughter is the best medicine.
20. Be Optimistic
Optimism is required as a student in college. Be positive in your thinking. Study hard and be optimistic that you are going to get good grades.
One of the characteristics of an intelligent person is optimism. As a student, being optimistic means you always believe the best will come.
Create good relationships with people. Avoid negative views in every aspect. College life is usually stressful, have a belief that you are going to scale through college life with your shoulders high.
Hang out with people that are positive in their thinking.
As a college student, stress is certain but you can overcome stress by practising positive thinking. Hang out with people of like minds.
Above all, Be strong and courageous because college stress is not for the faint-hearted.
I hope these stress management tips help you in your academic pursuits and other things you get involved in.
So, what other tips have helped you to manage stress in the past or as a student?
Thank you for this wonderful article. My daughter is heading off to school in September (currently taking a GAP year) and I have been so worried about her. She has no time management skills and Procrastination is her middle name. She’s never really failed at anything but I feel this might be it, once she doesn’t have her Momma checking in all the time. What I realized from your article is that I’m not seeing her as an Adult!
Time to let my little bird fly I guess and hand over the responsibility and associated anxiety to her. I will make sure she prints this and takes it with her to school so she can refer back.
Thanks again!
Thanks, Anna. I’m glad you found it useful for your daughter.
Love this!
Thanks, Susan
I am continuously looking online for articles that can benefit me. Thanks!
You’re welcome