15 Positive Effects Of Social Media On Students
I remember a time in the not-too-distant past.
Students thought that the impacts of social media were more of a distraction than anything else. Some still do.
This is usually people’s reaction to an innovation whose power and potential they are yet to understand.
I believe it is safe to say that social media is the next best thing.
It has gone beyond just being a social necessity to a ubiquitous tool that has revolutionized the way we conduct even the tiniest transactions of daily life.
Mind you, social media isn’t the can’t-do-no-wrong ultimate technological masterpiece. It still has its flaws. This truth is mostly because the humans who use it are to a considerable extent flawed.
What makes social media so seductive and so irresistible? It’s so compelling that everyone feels that they just have to be on it. It is the sense of power it confers on its user. Read the positive effects it has on students.
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1. Amplification

On social media, what you say gets amplified and reverberates throughout every corner of cyberspace. This is rapidly becoming every corner of the world.
The more that’s said, the more people say it. The louder they say it, the more power it carries. Just visualize social media as a loudspeaker with an ‘infinite’ boom capacity. And as they say – “vox populi, vox Dei” meaning, “the voice of the people is the voice of God”. Not true but quite close.
Oppressive governments have an intuitive understanding of this ‘democratic technology’ so they ban it or try to substitute it for something more censored.
Those who didn’t do so had themselves to blame for undermining the threat posed by social media.
2. Information

To have a better understanding of this concept, we must first acknowledge the massive impact of information on human society.
Information, not money drive civilizations and any platform that can disperse it at the greatest speed and least cost to the widest audience, will inevitably hold sway over people.
Social media appears to meet the above-stated criteria. Thus, has come to be a near-indispensable entity woven tightly into the fabric of our society.
Careful consideration (inspired by the movie – Ex Machina) shows that we don’t just put what we think on social media.
Rather, it is a (virtual) place where we exhibit how we think. This sort of puts you out in the open. Given the significant amount of time you spend thereon and the sensitivity of the information, you share on these platforms.
Hence, for you to get the full benefits of social media, you need to be able to absorb the good information out there to your advantage.
For example, this video shares insights on how to maximize graduate opportunities abroad as a student. Thanks to the internet and social media platforms!
3. Exposure

The exposure social media gives, is a major loophole which can be exploited by anyone that knows his way around the cyberspace.
This makes us uncomfortably visible to an almost variety of audiences across the world.
Companies and criminals mine information about people without their knowledge based on their behaviour on social media. Thereby turning private data into commercial entities.
Again and again, we see that the issue of privacy taking centre stage in internet matters. One less thing to like social media for.
It is also this all-reaching, mass-influencing capacity of social media that makes it dangerous in the democratic context.
What I mean is that the hyper-liberal policy could be detrimental to society. In the long run, can be pushed and propagated on social media. It is no longer news that ISIS, a terrorist group recruits for its heinous cause on social media.
The flexibility of most social media makes anonymity and false identities tools for criminals.
On the other hand, companies and highbrows also use it to source for intelligent and witty brains capable of providing the services or soft skills they are in search of. This implies that, if we must react to or comment on a particular post, do it professionally and prudently.
4. Dependence

Of course, a prime detriment of social media is ‘att(dist)raction’ that quickly burgeons into addiction.
A funny way to describe the addiction associated with social media use is this: “social media is the ‘new’ feel good drug in town. Only that you don’t have to sniff or swallow it, all you have to do is type or tap it”
To make matters worse, it creates this illusion of community by an unhealthy emphasis on connectivity. Mind you, not the real kind. It’s the nasty slavery to the few square inches that make up the screen of our devices.
I suppose that our digital ‘Windows’ (pun intended) has enchanted us so successfully that we make no meaningful attempt to approach the door.
However, there is no stopping this boat, it can (and should) only be controlled.
“With great power comes great responsibility…” – Peter Parker’s Uncle in Spiderman 1 (geeks don’t mind great movies!)
I think as young a young person, you ought to take a cue from the powerful and promising technologies of the past. How they have been derailed by mankind to meet selfish and destructive ends.
The future is yours to make but it only gets made today. There’s little or nothing you can do about yesterday.
Anything you have not learnt to live without is a potential tool for taking you hostage. Also, in our choosing to be ‘free’ from your gadgets, you make it a little more likely to be caught napping if the touted Robocalypse, real or figurative occurs.
There’s an online community specially created for you to get all the motivation and vibes you need to succeed as a student.
Do you want to join this great community of students from all around the world?
5. Impact
You are a creature of time, severely limited in the duration of your earthly life.
Whatever does not extend the duration of your life or multiply the impact you are making, in a short time, is an instrument of destruction to mankind.
Ultimately, it boils down to choice; a choice not just for yourself but critical, future-shaping decisions that will determine the destiny of humanity.
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you…I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live…” – Deuteronomy 30:19 (KJV)
So, in your choosing, choose life. Only be addicted to or dependent on the good side of the internet. Make some impact while you can.
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6. Knowledge

I recently joined Medium and I’m hooked! I even downloaded Quora and StackOverflow.
For those who see where I’m going, similar platforms are Github, Reddit. Even simple Pinterest falls perfectly in line with this not so new but still emerging trend of online community-based learning.
For me, this is not just an offshoot of Social Media. I consider it a major phase in the evolution of Social Networking.
This particular brand (which I call Social Learning or Cyberformal education) is the result of the explosive mixture. A mixture of the vast and jumbled resources of the internet.
Worldwide connectivity (‘virtual omnipresence’), man’s insatiable desire for knowledge & improvement and leverage on figures make the use of the internet continuously relevant.
On the first note, the internet is like a virtual version of outer space. It appears to be endless. Without some kind of guidance and navigation, we would often be lost than found when seeking information on the internet.
There is no ‘North Star’, no ‘Orion’s Belt’ or magnetic orientation in cyberspace. Just an endless stream of digital matter that is all too welcoming for a digital Odyssey.
These scattered nebulous matters all over the cyber-universe and are bright enough to light up the clueless traveller’s path.
They form by clustering around a comprehensive idea. A progressive intent that gradually crystallizes into a cohesively defined structure. You can leverage this to build a solid information base that knows no national or continental boundary.
Unlike the conventional nebulae that form from the explosion of a Star, these cyber entities actually start out as insignificant specks.
They reflect the universal body of knowledge in the same direction. They form a galaxy of radiant stars, given appropriate coordination.
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7. Education

Enough meandering around analogies. These Cyberformal learning platforms help streamline information and resources that one might need in a particular field of interest.
A common caption some of these resources carry is this – “from zero to hero in…”. They are usually well within that general sphere of capability.
These platforms are also redefining learning, reinventing schooling and giving organized educational institutions a run for their money.
Smart institutions have diverted resources into establishing and asserting their presence on this type of platforms.
These include edX, Udemy, Coursera and so on where Ivy League schools and their peers offer the content of their course outlines either for free or a token amount.
These are MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses.
With these opportunities, an apparent decentralization of academic clout is certain. This closes the competence gap between an Ivy League graduate and a Third World enthusiast.
Most disciplines that have really benefitted from this initiative are Computer Science related fields.
These require little or no laboratory work. The best you can get as regards lab work are video demonstrations. The actual experimentation may still be impractical due to financial and environmental constraints.
All the participant needs, is his/her computer system, stable power supply and fair internet connection.
The supply of these is improving in Africa. This gives us a chance of catching up with the rest of the world in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
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8. Opportunities

Here again, we see the internet acting as an opportunity leveller by facilitating mechanisms for ensuring skill equality.
The beautiful thing about space exploration is that no one has been there before. As a result, everyone can only guess or imagine what we might find.
In the same way, opening up the channels of learning presents prospects and opportunities for discovery and invention.Â
So, you see that we are redefining the concept of educational opportunities.
In fact, the word ‘opportunity’ in the foregoing expression is a substitute for ‘opening’, as in the educational opening.
In this sense, I mean the access to quality educational materials is no longer a matter of privilege. It is now of pervasive access.
9. Social networking provides a creative outlet
Students now have a platform thanks to social media where they can express their creativity and ideas to an impartial audience and receive an honest response.
If they want to pursue that expertise professionally, the answer serves as a roadmap for them to better mold their skills.
A writer might start by posting examples of their poetry and essays on Tumblr, for instance, or a photographer or filmmaker can start by uploading their images on Instagram. Such concepts are already the foundation of many teen and tween careers.
This demonstrates how social media can be an effective tool for kids to showcase their passions and receive feedback if utilized wisely.
10 Mentors can be found for students to help them with their career objectives
Students can try out networking through social media, although virtually. Building rapport and connections in their field of study can be accomplished by leaving comments on LinkedIn posts from others and tweeting in return.
People can now start climbing the employment ladder through LinkedIn while still in school. Thanks to social networking, giving them an advantage over their peers.
11. Students can showcase their virtues and character
By establishing a strong online presence in their field of study and producing uplifting material for social media networks or personal websites, students can benefit from social media.
There is never a bad time to begin developing a powerful personal brand. Employers look at personal profiles in the modern job market, so the best method to get their interest is to make your professional profiles a fantastic representation of your character and competence.
Additionally, if you want to establish your own business, it’s a good idea to use social media to discover mentors or groups of like-minded people. By joining an online community, you’ll have a wonderful ally whenever you launch your business.
12. Students’ use of social media can inspire them to pursue success
Students’ belief that they are capable of great things can be sparked by social media. It would be beneficial to follow motivational websites and people, to teach good morals and valuable life lessons.
Engaging with motivating content can educate students on how to express gratitude, act kindheartedly, respect others, and hope in their own potential because media is such a potent tool for forming one’s values and beliefs.
One movie or inspirational saying might boost students’ self-confidence as they deal with stress and uncertainties in their daily lives and perhaps even help them identify their genuine aspirations.
13. Social networking can give students the confidence they need to mentor others
It is advisable for teachers to allow their students to use their creativity to create engaging posters or instructive guidelines regarding social media safety for younger children.
This can be done in different ways:
The students are developing their creative abilities by utilizing whatever medium they choose to produce the safety resource. They are also learning about the safety features of social media by using it and needing to explain it to other students.
14. Social media can be utilized to improve search results and one’s digital footprint
For students, dominating their internet presence is crucial. Social media has the potential to improve or harm your child’s college and job prospects.
Social media, when used properly, can help your student’s resume stand out. An excellent approach for students to shine online, showcase their distinct personalities, and take control of their search results is by regularly using social media.
Students can display their charity activities, athletic accomplishments, school projects, hobbies, and family trips on their social media sites.
15. It is a helpful resource for pupils
Students use various social media platforms to learn new things and keep up with current events. Many students also utilize these forums to get their questions answered about stereotyped subjects like drug use, sex, etc.
My parting advice to you is this. Why don’t you shave off a sizable chunk of that social media fun time? You should invest it in online educational communities and personal development platforms.
It may be boring initially. You’ll be amazed at how much fun and motivation for improvement you’ll find on these cyber classrooms.
Capping it with our interstellar analogy; it is difficult to hang out in nebulae and not emerge as a star.
Now, let me ask you. What other impacts of social media have you benefitted from? Drop it in the comment section.
Great post, enjoyed your information. For me social media keeps me current with what is happening in the world and allows me to discern between the lines of the official news outlets.
Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading, Gunning.
This is very thorough and you have some great points about the impact of social media. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome, Nina.
Amazing post! I use social media for multi-purposes too but I never knew there could be so many benefits to it.
Thank you so much for sharing this post!
I’m glad you learnt some things, Malvika.