Here Are 33 Quick Ways To Raise Your GPA In One Semester

If you’re looking for a magic trick, you’ve got the wrong article. But, if you are looking for a strategic way to increase your GPA in one semester exponentially, you’ve got the right place!

Academic success requires commitment and work, especially when grades and grade point average are your goals (GPA).

There are various ways you can succeed, regardless of whether your objective is to achieve a 4.0/ 5.0 or merely raise a grade for one class. Your academic success may be impacted by study and organization techniques.

In order to help you work toward achieving your academic objectives, I’ll take you through some ways to raise your GPA in just one semester in this post. 

So, how do you raise your GPA in just one semester when you have just received the news that your overall CGPA is still crawling like a snail? I will let you know the quick things you should do. Today, I’ll tell you how to ‘up your academic game‘, boost your grades and quite possibly, hit that elusive First Class cadre.

So, let’s go…

Here Are 32 Quick Ways To Raise Your GPA In One Semester

1. Make your lecturer feel significant

Now, what I’m suggesting is not brainless cronyism but an intelligent evaluation of your instructor’s personality. Therefore, build an improved version of whatever he or she serves you as his or her student. Your lecturer gets mad at you for not taking notes or listening in class. Albeit, on a subliminal level, because he or she feels despised by your perceived disregard for his person.

This may sound like a needless involvement of psychology but trust me, we’re all psychological beings. Mastering the psychological terrain and the accompanying mind games is a sine qua non for success in any field of human interaction, so is a First Class grade too.

Also, along with the same lines, if you will in any way bring to bear what you learnt from another source on what your instructor taught, do so with such approach as to magnify your lecturer’s competence rather than his deficiency.

Essentially, I’m advising you to raise your GPA by standing on your lecturer’s shoulders rather than his toes to reach higher. There is a huge difference. Be better than him with him, not without him. Seeing this cooperative spirit, he’ll have no choice but to reward your cooperation.


2. Your ‘NOW’ may not depend on your ‘PREVIOUS’

Of course, we all know this but how often do we think it is necessary to evaluate our track record in order to squeeze extra performance out of our given abilities?

Evaluation and correlation do not just work for experiments and machines, they also work for humans! In fact, the basis for the overall assessment for students in higher institutions is the CUMULATIVE Grade Point Average (CGPA).

But the truth remains that, your approach and thinking as regards your ability to influence your performance positively, hardly ever factors the cumulative dimension – at least, based on my observation of students in my immediate environment.

For most students, past questions are as far as this goes. But what happens when one or more of the major variables at play change – curriculum, lecturer, analogy, application, principle?

So, developing a holistic framework that is adaptive as well as robust for self-evaluation and overall performance correlation is most certainly needed to fit our reality to our desires.

3. Your ‘NOW’ is not enough to determine your ‘NEXT’

Quick Ways To Raise Your GPA In One Semester

Fatalism and apathetic lethargy are the doom of most folks around. While this does not have to be, they cling to the easier path rather than standing up and staying up.

I’ll admit, there are so many times that feeling utterly powerless after not exactly passing a test that you confronted prepared and confident. But I would also tell you that the sweetest victories I enjoyed as an undergraduate were the ‘bounce backs’ – where flunking is immediately followed by flying.

Too few students leverage their innate power of resilience, just too few! In my experience, persistent effort does yield results, you just have to make sure you’re not repeating your mistakes (or something just as silly).

Having been brought so far by what you do, you can alter your direction by what you choose. So, don’t sit on your butt; take responsibility for your success and move up to a higher class of degree!

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4. First Class students are very human

This one is quite funny.

You hear people call academically sound students names like Guru, wizard, Brainiac, Prof and so many other positively embarrassing names. I actually got a few of those during my undergraduate days, and some still address me that way. This christening ritual sort of ‘deifies’ these First Class students such that there is this psychological distance you unconsciously create between them and you.

Therefore, a lot of people leave the First Class grade for the ‘gods’ and they themselves settle for the crumbs! Names are powerful entities; their mystery forms the basis for the structure of cognition and identity formation.

In other words, the name you address a person or a thing will determine how you relate to it. While I do not say you should not acknowledge these guys (who have earned the tag), you should do so without taking the psychological self-disrepute that goes along with it.

You should also work towards those goals that make your name change from neutral to extraordinary, as all humans can.

5. Enjoy the journey

Quick Ways To Raise Your GPA In One Semester

Yeah, right… You want to raise that GPA so bad you can’t afford to see anything else. Then, you put everything else on hold and scorn all other activities.

You pile up resentment and discontent, so much that you disconnect from life’s very essence – process. Your focus is critical to success, tunnel vision, on the other hand, tends to limit one’s prospects.

Specialization is key to effectiveness, marginalization will, in the long run, make one inept. Get the difference? By the way, when I say you should enjoy the journey, I don’t mean subscribing to wanton revelry.

However, what I mean is having an open mind towards all that can be learnt in life.

That in itself constitutes true education. That rich and rounded experience not only improves your life but ultimately improves your aptitude when it comes to applying what you’ve learnt.

Rote learning, that which emphasizes knowledge excluding imagination and experience will do more harm than good to one’s ambitions.

Do you want to be the best? Give your mind a healthy and balanced diet, you’ll see that the results are splendid indeed.

Quick Way To Raise Your GPA In One Semester
Quick Ways To Raise Your GPA In One Semester

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6. Be the best juggler you can find

Don’t mind me, I just like drawing funny but apt analogies from mundane things. A juggler might be a mere Jester and a far cry from the highly regarded intellectual, but they actually have the basic principles of thinking in common – applied albeit to different things.

It is called balance. Balancing 9 or so courses per semester is quite similar to synchronizing the throw and catch of several balls in the air at the same time.

Whatever you’re balancing, balls or several courses, it is important that you let none slip, even the so-called insignificant ones.

Imagine clearing all marks in all courses except one, except a one-unit course so unlikable that it makes you so miserable. The misery it gives is so repulsive and you fail. This will beautifully smear your result.

Quick Way To Raise Your GPA In One Semester
Quick Ways To Raise Your GPA In One Semester

First Class performance is exactly what it is – First Class! No lax, no slip-ups, no loopholes. All bases are so thoroughly covered.

Irrespective of animosity towards a course or its tutor, you should ensure a balanced array of results. Not a lopsided blotch of great and ghastly scores.

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7. Kill the fear in you

Fear is the one thing that makes your weakness seem bigger than your strength. The truth is that it takes quite a lot of energy to sustain fear; energy that could otherwise have been deployed in establishing your strength.

Fear is like a gaping abyss. It consumes everything that comes within an interacting distance of it but gives nothing, absolutely nothing. Fear promises safety at the cost of taking up life’s legitimate responsibilities; it truncates your ability to respond to situations sanely and productively.

It deprives YOU of the initiative to seek and explore solutions. Looking at our strengths through our fears makes us feel powerless indeed, but doing the opposite – looking at our fears through our strengths, helps put them in perspective.

Your sense of empowerment comes through a healthy self-identity, not from a feeling or the way things seem irrespective of how easy or intimidating, as the case may be.

So, with the injunction ‘Fear not’ comes the admonition to refuse to be swayed by apparitions of weakness or the ‘compelling evidence’ the situation presents. Strength rises and weakness wanes when you refuse to give weakness your precious energy.

The competition for your energy by these two entities is a persistent conflict at the core of a man’s reality, and by extension human societies.

8. Regularly attend classes

This one is quite an obvious suggestion, yet it’s nonetheless significant. Many lecturers deliver their lectures directly from PowerPoint, posting the slides online.

Due to this, it may be tempting to download the lecture notes, skip class, and continue learning the content at home. In simple courses, you can probably get away with it, but in difficult ones, you’ll run into issues. You miss out on a few significant things if you skip class, things like:

-Verbal explanations that are specific and necessary for understanding the subject

-the opportunity to ask questions smartly and hear other students’ queries and answers

-unique announcements

-Possibilities for supplemental credit

It’s crucial to think about how missing classes will impact your reputation. Grades are typically somewhat subjective in most classes. This means that your mark depends on how the grader perceives you. Missing classes frequently will make you appear disrespectful to the instructor and the subject matter.

9. Avoid staying up late

Pulling an all-nighter typically indicates that you slacked off throughout the semester and must squeeze three months’ worth of learning into a single day. Using a progressive study approach, you’ll never need to do this.

All-nighters are ineffective! Yes, if the course is easy, it might be feasible to achieve a decent score, but it’s much more likely that your grade will be considerably lower.

All-nighters reduce performance since they wear you out and increase your stress levels. Additionally, you’ll quickly forget most of what you learned after the test, which reduces the usefulness of your education.

10. Take part and fully participate in class

Finding the courage to participate in class can be challenging if you are timid or new to college life. However, you must take that exact action.

Attending class demonstrates your interest in the material to the instructor. Additionally, it makes it more likely that you will retain information from one lesson to the next.

Being in the front row will boost your confidence while also drawing you into the talk. You’ll come across the teacher as a motivated learner who is very visible. This will enhance your academic standing and increase the likelihood that you’ll establish a rapport with the lecturer.

You’ll find it much simpler to stay focused and feel more involved than just a bystander.

11. Use a method that works for you to take notes

Start taking notes in your classes if you don’t already. Making notes can help you retain course material, emphasize crucial details, and provide you with a written record for future reference.

It’s crucial to take notes in a manner that works best for you. Including pictures and diagrams in your notes will help if you learn best visually. Taking extensive, in-depth notes may be the ideal strategy for you if you are a read/write learner.

If you learn best through auditory means, it could be best for you to record lectures so you can actively listen to your instructor during class.

12. Review your weekly readings

Trying to learn a ton of material shortly before a midterm or final exam can be a challenge for students.

This is virtually unattainable. If you approach your study with a gradual method, you’ll find it a lot simpler to achieve your academic goals.

Review your notes starting at the beginning of the course at least once a week. This should just take 15 to 20 minutes, which is just enough time to become comfortable with the subject.

You can gradually memorize everything by conducting a weekly review, and you’ll comprehend how one idea develops upon another. Your need for last-minute studying will be much reduced if you consistently put in small amounts of work.

13. Study Wisely

A few teachers and institutions provide the chance for extra credit. Try to seize these chances since they are GPA gold mines.

Your grade point average can go up and extra credit can improve your college experience.

When you commute a long distance or have a professor who tends to ramble, going to class can be a waste of time. You may want to think about taking part in your classes online for this and other reasons.

The same information will be studied while you conserve time.

14. Sit in the very first row

We are all aware that snoozing, texting, and generally wasting time in class are things you should avoid if you want to improve your grade point average.

You may find it easier to concentrate on your work if you sit at the front of the class.

Your teacher will assist you in getting back on track if you start to indulge in any distracting activities because you’ll be able to hear and see better.

15. Read the syllabus and understand it

Though they may appear trivial, course syllabi serve as your success manuals.

You may find out how you’ll be graded and how many points particular assignments are worth by consulting the syllabus.

You won’t be taken aback by any tasks or by how much they affect your final mark if you read and comprehend the syllabus.

16. Befriend capable students with a high GPA

This is crucial in courses where collaborative projects are required. Nobody wants to be forced to work alone, be surrounded by slackers, and receive a subpar grade as a result.

The attitudes of the individuals you work with have a direct impact on the quality of your learning experience. The discussion will be facilitated by working with intelligent people. The best method to comprehend a concept is to discuss it with other smart individuals.

Your academic reputation is impacted by your working relationships. Teachers and graders will believe you share their lack of enthusiasm for learning if you hang around with similar students.

It’s also a terrific method to meet others who share your goals and hobbies. In college, you’ll undoubtedly meet a lot of new people. Spend as much time as you can with a study partner who has a good GPA.

Your intelligent friend will be able to support you when you need it and could be a positive force if you start to procrastinate.

One of the best methods to remain on track and improve your GPA is to participate in a study group. In addition to holding you accountable, study groups can make you more organized and force you to discuss what you have learned. Try starting your own study group if you are unable to join one.

17. Enroll in some classes for general education

You may complete some lower-level electives that will count toward your degree and completion, depending on where you are in your program.

Sometimes the burden or subject in these courses is lower, requiring less preparation and studying.

If you enrol in one or two of these courses each semester, they will, provided you receive a good grade, help you balance your workload and GPA.

18. Visit the staff office often

The majority of the time during the week, professors and teaching assistants (TAs) are available for students to ask questions about assignments. By taking advantage of this chance, you will be doing yourself a favour.

First of all, going to office hours will inspire you to complete your work ahead of time and prepare questions to pose. This will greatly improve your ability to comprehend issues that aren’t well presented in the lectures. Second, it will establish you as a hard-working student who earns good grades.

If you’re dissatisfied with your present marks, you might want to think about approaching your teachers. Just keep your manners in mind.

A grade change request or making ludicrous charges are virtually never wise decisions. Asking about potential actions you may do to raise your grade in each class will be better for you.


19. Aim for success and reward yourself

Although getting good marks has its own reward, having a little extra motivation doesn’t hurt.

Set a target for your GPA and, when you reach it, treat yourself to something you truly desire.


If you have questions during lessons or group activities, ask them.

In addition to providing the instructor with the opportunity to convey the same information in a new way, asking questions can help you understand concepts that may have initially confounded you.

As a foundation for collaboration, asking questions can inspire originality and innovative thinking.

You can utilize the information you acquire from the responses to your questions as study aids in the future.


Keep track of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly as your teacher returns graded exams and quizzes to you.

After you identify the topics you misunderstood, practice other questions with analogous concepts to assist you to get a better grasp of them.

Practice more graphing problems. For instance, if you got a few questions regarding graphing wrong on a math exam. You ought to be readier the next time you take a test.


According to studies, students who attempt to cram the night before and who are up all night on caffeine suffer academically. Take caution not to exhaust yourself.

Keep your schedule in order, manage your time effectively, and make sure you receive enough rest each week. This will aid in information retention and prevent you from becoming overburdened while attempting to retain a lot of information at once.

Make sure your GPA is where you want it to be by looking at it, and if not, set a goal to raise it.

You should be able to arrange yourself and get your grades back on track using the advice provided above.


Maintaining a weekly study schedule while you go over new topics will help you get better grades on assignments, similar to weekly study groups.

This will not only help you do your work on time, but you’ll also be applying each concept as the teacher explains it, which will keep you focused during lectures and other class activities.

Bring up any topics that are unclear to you or that you feel like you need extra clarification on the next time you’re in class as you go over the course material throughout the week.


Surround yourself in your classes with high achievers.

When you form study groups, introduce yourself to other students who share your objectives, recognize their accomplishments, and implement effective study techniques.

These classmates can serve as a great resource for enhancing your knowledge, learning how to use various learning techniques, and maintaining your motivation to reach your objectives.


You may complete some lower-level electives that will count toward your degree and completion, depending on where you are in your program.

Sometimes, the burden or subject in these courses is lower, requiring less preparation and studying.

If you enrol in one or two of these courses each semester, they will, provided you receive a good grade, help you balance your workload and GPA.


University life is significantly influenced by clubs, sports, music ensembles, and other extracurricular activities.

They’re a great way to meet people, take a break from studying, and pick up knowledge you wouldn’t otherwise acquire in a classroom.

However, you should think about reducing your extracurricular activities if your GPA is in jeopardy in order to devote more time to studying.

You don’t have to stop doing anything, but keep in mind that if you’re expelled from university owing to a poor GPA, you won’t be able to participate in clubs at all.


Of course, you should push yourself. But avoid choosing challenging electives only for bragging rights. You’re not impressing anyone or planning to impress potential employers (they don’t care).

Instead, be honest with yourself about how much work you can handle.

If you really want to enrol in challenging electives, do so either as an audit or pass/fail course. Your GPA will be grateful.


On a regular basis, set clear goals. For instance, you might decide to make it your weekly objective to submit all of your calculus homework assignments with an A.

Every week, assess your progress and determine what needs to be done to accomplish your next objective.

You can maintain a higher GPA by setting goals each week that are related to improving your grades, effectively applying concepts, and comprehending topics covered in class.


Try taking practice tests if you have trouble taking tests or exams. Practice exams offer two advantages:

  • They assist you in deciding the information you should revisit and continue to learn.
  • They aid in test preparation and make you feel less apprehensive on test day.

In most cases, you can schedule practice exams with your professors or at the learning centre of your university.


Taking thorough notes will help you study the information your teacher covered in class. You might simply need to remember the language, formulas, and sample problems for some subjects.

You might need to hone your ability to rapidly identify and jot down the most crucial information you hear in class for other subjects that might entail longer conversations so you can refer to it later for studying.

Having notes that assist you in finishing your homework and other assignments raises your grades, which raises your GPA.


You may occasionally need to take challenging courses and pass competitive exams. In this situation, you should plan your course schedule so that you can devote the majority of your time to the difficult courses.

Additionally, when you have to take particularly difficult classes during a semester, think about taking fewer hours overall. You’ll have more time to study the difficult stuff as a result.

Obviously, when creating your course schedule, ask your advisor and the registrar. They can assist you with organizing your time so that you may complete your required courses and stay on pace to graduate.


Last but not least, let me reiterate that your GPA isn’t everything. You shouldn’t stress about getting the best grade point average possible unless you’re applying to graduate school, medical school, or a law or business program.

GPA is not particularly important to employers but might be important for further studies. Simply omit it from your CV if your GPA is low. In an interview, almost no one is going to inquire about it.

A hiring manager would prefer to see that you put in extra effort outside of class or in other ways to increase your qualifications for the position.


Weakness or continuous failure is the ultimate gameplay of fear. It subtly lulls you to abdicate your initiative and suffuses the mind with inertia as if nothing else matters.

It pushes you to the very brink such that you would think that doing nothing (and sometimes the wrong thing) really makes sense indeed.

If allowed, Fear will be a chink in any armour, no matter how strong. It will feed a heightened sense of danger, with self-preservation as its sole motivation at the ungainly expense of triumph and confrontation.

It will emphasise real but mundane threats with such convincing arguments that it will take discipline and exceedingly tempered prowess to devise a winning counter-argument.

Fear’s ultimate game is a weakness or ongoing failure. It slowly lulls you into giving up the initiative and fills your mind with inertia to the point where nothing else seems to matter. It drives you to the point where you believe doing nothing (and occasionally the incorrect thing) genuinely makes sense.

No matter how strong the armour is, it will eventually show a chink if fear is allowed. It will exacerbate the sensation of danger, acting only to protect itself at the awkward expense of victory and conflict.

It will highlight genuine but unimportant threats with such persuasive arguments that it will require restraint and exceptionally tempered skill to develop a successful counterargument. Do not let fear interfere with your goals.

Do not allow fear to come into your pursuits. Do all you can do and be the best you can be. 😉 Keep excelling!

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Post Author: Explicit Success

Explicit Success is a place you can get some impetus and at the same time, get some relaxation. The articles you’ll find here have a lot of anecdotes you can relate to, which will help you to feel good about yourself and achieve success. Connect with our Team Lead on Instagram @abimbolajoe.

34 Replies to “Here Are 32 Quick Ways To Raise Your GPA In One Semester”

  1. Great tips! I found getting to know professors was very valuable throughout university. Although my GPA was always fine, I know having a good relationship with my professors helped me get extensions on assignments on several occasions (and definitely helped to boost my grades).

  2. Oh man! School. Ha! I haven’t been in school in SO SO SO longggggg! I have forgotten about GPAs – but my son, will one day be talking about his GPA (he’s only 4 months right now, so not any time soon) and man, it will bring back so many memories! I had a pretty great GPA because well, even though I hated school, I just focused and got it done!

  3. Your post took me years ago, back to when i was in school. Although this is done and dusted i can’t but agree with your tips especially the importance of resilience. Great post.

  4. That was a really great article. I wish somebody had told me this when I was in college. I will share this link with my about-to-go-to-college niece.

    1. Great tips for those who are still studying and struggling to have high grades. Wish I had read this before.

  5. I wish I would have understood the importance of studying when I was in school. It really pays off. Great tips!

  6. I always did better in school when I enjoyed the journey. I wasn’t in a rush to just get by, instead I made it part of my joy!

  7. It’s always nice to read this kind of stuff from people with first-hand and very human experience. I worked my ass off to get a 3.74/4 GPA while working part-time and having a family. Dude, I sat at my kids’ baseball games reading flashcards and writing papers between their turns lol. Talk about juggling. I think it’s hugely important to remember self-care through these times though. You won’t be much of an employee or business owner after school if you’re dealing with a burnout hangover.

    1. Exactly. You nailed it, Amy. Self-care while pursuing goals is of utmost importance.

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