Here Are 20 Quick Ways To Memorize Faster For A Test

If you are a student or just a guy who manages a coffee shop down the street, you would probably want to learn how to memorize faster.

However, with the right memorizing skills, you can memorize twice as fast and in a far more effective manner.

This will have you reciting words from your memory like a nursery rhyme. If you are a pizza guy or an employee in a private enterprise, you want to be able to memorize memos and profit margins or present your ideas at a staff meeting respectively.

As a student, studying is all about learning. It takes extensive studying to get that chapter to stick in your head. I have good news, you don’t have to read for six hours before you are able to memorize some medical terms as a medical student even if you desire a career in medicine.

Whatever your reason to memorize faster is, memorizing faster can give you an edge in whatever field of life you are.

There are two major types of reading: intensive and extensive reading.

Intensive reading is the type of study approach you use when you study for an exam, test or interview. Generally, it is a more serious form of reading and it often takes time for the information you are studying to stick in your mind.

Whereas extensive reading is a lighter approach, it is often the case when you read novels or random books during your spare time.

You would notice that you can recall almost every event or word in that novel, unlike when you study intensively. When you let your imagination go wild while you study, you are practically storing information in your brain in a more unique manner.

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I remember my high school days, when we were taught the first twenty elements in chemistry, our teacher used a popular lullaby to coin the first twenty elements into the song, and it stuck in our heads, like plumbing glue.

I can still remember them in that lullaby and It would probably remain in my memory for a very long time. This shows that the manner of approach and style of memorizing are key factors when it comes to storing information in our brains.

This article will attempt to explain certain steps you can take to help you memorize faster and tricks to help you recall faster.

Here Are 20 Quick Ways To Memorize Faster For A Test

1. Identify Your Learning Style

Personally, I love to read fiction extensively but easily get bored with books that generally discuss information that’s applicable to real-life situations. I can read and narrate a John Grisham novel to you a year after reading the book, but I would need to revisit my math textbook every time I come across a differential equation or a Trig question.

According to Lifehack, the first step to increasing the retentivity of your brain is to first understand your learning style. Everybody has a unique reading style.

There are three main reading styles: Auditory, Visual and experiential.

If you are an auditory learner, you are more likely to grasp information when you hear them. Most people are auditory learners, however, there is a difference in the speed and rate of information grasping. To read the text you can use a text-to-speech solution and hear it any number of times till you feel satisfied.

Some people can only remember something they were told two days ago, whereas, some people can recall an entire lecture a week after the lesson.

Visual learners are see-to-understand kind of people. They prefer seeing things to understanding them. This is majorly the case for art lovers. If this is you, you’ll memorize things faster when it is presented in a visual form or preferably in an artful manner.

Experiential learners learn from experience or past events. They are likely to link two things together and create a long-lasting memory of that material in their brain to form a unique string of past knowledge.

Most people are a combination of two or three in this learning category. I will show you how you can use any of these learning mediums to memorize faster and more efficiently.

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2. Know the environment that suits you

Here Are 11 Quick Ways To Memorize Faster
Here Are 20 Quick Ways To Memorize Faster

Before you even begin to study whatever you plan to memorize, you must first pick the environment where you plan to do the reading. Most people prefer to read in a quiet and serene environment like a library, whereas some other people prefer a lively place like a park.

Whatever your preference may be, it is important that you choose your environment very carefully, you must ask yourself which setting am I most likely to memorize this information faster and more efficiently.

You will be shocked to know that some people cannot memorize efficiently in a silent place. It has to be noisy and bubbling to help the information sink. Sometimes, the environment gives you cues that help you absorb faster if that is what works for you.

A calm, quiet, and serene environment could work perfectly for you too. However, if you haven’t figured out which works more for you, you could try both for a start and stick to the most efficient one.

3. Green Tea and brain foods

The next tip is to drink some Green tea before you begin to study.

According to scientists, green tea helps to stimulate the synapses that lead to a more retentive memory. As you grow older, toxic chemicals begin to affect your synapses and soon you begin to lose memories.

However, drinking green tea from a young age can help you to reduce the risk of memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease. The point is to stimulate the part of the brain responsible for memorizing and recalling information.

As they say, if you build your foundation on solid ground, you are one step away from a strong building. You can also boost your brain memory by eating these foods as much as possible. Feed your brain and it will help you grab information effortlessly.

4. First Summarize What You Want To Memorize

Here Are 11 Quick Ways To Memorize Faster

This works well for me. I actually did a particular course as a freshman at the University where we studied a chapter on the different techniques of reading. The authors made emphasis on summarizing.

According to the professors of the English Department, at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, summarizing what you plan to memorize in your own format can help you memorize three times faster and recall in a great way as well. I adopted this mode of reading and I have to say it works like a charm.

You can use a small book to put down small notes and important paragraphs from whatever you are trying to memorize. Make sure you understand the definition and formulas first.

Then you will need to review what you’ve written down until you understand the concept. Once you have gone through it, it’s time to make it stick to your brain like glue. 😉

You will have to recite it over and over again. Although this might seem more like cramming, you must first decode the information and understand the concept. Repeating the lines makes the concept more real to you. This will also aid you in recovering information in your brain in case you forget something.

5. Record Everything as much as possible

If it is a speech, lecture, public address, or anything that has to do with auditory listening, you might want to put down every single thing you hear, especially if you are studying for an exam.

Professors are fond of pulling out questions from paragraphs students will never predict. If you are trying to memorize an auditory lecture but it’s not for an academic purpose, the same rule applies.

The only difference is that you are not taking an exam at the end of the semester. I will explain why taking down everything is very important in the next tip.

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6. Section Your Note

This is one of the reasons why you must take down everything if it’s an auditory lecture.

However, if you are trying to memorize a piece of information that is already transferred to visuals like a textbook, there is no reason to rewrite everything, it is stressful and time-wasting.

By sectioning your note, I mean you will have to take down very important notes and group this information into sections. You will then be able to memorize them one by one.

7. Practice Repetition & Cumulative Summaries

Here Are 11 Quick Ways To Memorize Faster

For every line or paragraph, try to repeat it three to four times, then also try to repeat them from memory.

It is normal to make a few mistakes on the first, two, or even three trials, however, you must keep trying until you can comfortably recite what you plan to memorize from the heart.

I use this method to memorize some parts of a textbook, especially the definitions. You can also speak aloud if you are more of an auditory learner than a visual. That is one of the reasons why you must find out the reading technique that fits you properly.

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8. Write It Down

Now that you can recite this information without looking at its source, you have to write down this information on paper. This will further help the information to stick in your mind.

You could have a special journal or book for this. If you can write the concept down in your words and it still gives the same meaning as the original lines, you’re a star already. 😆 

By the time you want to revise, try to revise what you wrote in your own words and handwriting naturally. You will be amazed at how you will be able to recall it effortlessly.

Why? Your choice of words is natural to you and a friendly version of the original definition. As long as you don’t skip the important terms in the original text.

9. Teach Someone Else

This one works like a charm! It enables you to apply what you have learnt by teaching yourself, or preferably by teaching someone else.

Your understanding of the matter can now be tested when you attempt to teach someone and in the process, teach yourself.

Alternatively, you could face a mirror and recite what you have learnt to yourself if you cannot find someone to teach.

If you have a study group, you could create a list of possible questions from the material. Then, try to use your knowledge from the information you have memorized to attempt these questions.

This really helps you to prepare adequately for a test and it’s one of the many habits of successful students. If what you learnt needs to be recited in a particular order or in front of an audience, you need to do it in front of someone to get a feel of the audience.

Here is a small tip in case you are facing an audience. Focus on one person in the crowd and not everyone. Talk to that person like it’s just both of you in the room and you will end up giving a really superb speech.

10 Listen To The Recording Again

During your spare time, or when you are doing your laundry or performing your weekend exercises, try to listen to the recordings even after memorizing them so that you don’t forget any information.

However, if the information isn’t in the recording, you could try to study it anytime you are less busy. This will help you to exercise and remind your brain. The brain is like a shelf and the more knowledge you expose it to, the less possible it is for you to forget the pieces of information.

This is the reason why you must remind your brain at every chance you get.

11 Take A Break

Breaks are very essential to everything we do in life.

The brain operates like a machine, and like machines, it will break down if it is not given some rest. For instance, your android phones, if not well charged can’t be used for certain things.

This is the same for the human brain. You must take some rest in between studying. This will allow your brain to digest information and also function at full capacity. You can listen to music or play a brain-stimulating game like chess during this break.

Generally, just do something that will help keep the brain open.

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12. Prepare your mind

To help you remember something, you should start by preparing yourself mentally. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, then work in a comfortable environment to exploit your strengths. You’re more likely to remember something if you’re relaxed, focused, and positive.

Some people memorize well in noisy environments; others work best when they have complete silence. Find the environment that works best for you, and then stick with it.

The more you can create a mental environment to memorize, the better your chances of success.

When you’re studying, try to create a distraction-free environment. Turn off your phone or computer and close any unnecessary windows on your computer screen (such as email). Get rid of anything that could potentially distract you even if it’s just for a few minutes.

You don’t need to be constantly connected; give yourself time to unplug from the rest of the world so that you can focus on what matters most.

13. Prepare your body: Rest and eat well

Before you start memorizing, get a good night’s sleep. Sleep has a far-reaching impact on your ability to retain information; to give yourself the best possible chance of retaining information go to bed early enough for 8 hours of quality rest.

If you usually go to bed at 11:00 pm, try going to bed earlier -say, by 10 pm. Make your bedroom a quiet place for sleeping only and avoid doing other daytime activities there.

A good night’s sleep is an important first step in preparing for a test, but you also need to make sure that you get enough food and water.

If possible, eat a nutritious breakfast or lunch before starting to memorize; this will give your brain the energy it needs to process information efficiently.

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14. Consistency is key

Our ability to remember information depends on the strength of our brain’s synapses, which allow neurons to pass signals back and forth.

The more you repeat a task that uses those particular synapses, the stronger they become meaning it will be easier for your brain to recall similar pieces of information in the future.

The process of memorizing is a lot like the process of learning to play an instrument. When you first start playing the piano, your fingers are clumsy and uncoordinated; with practice, however, they become more nimble and adept at hitting certain notes with ease.

The same thing happens in our brains: initially, we may have difficulty recalling certain bits of information or performing specific tasks but with repetition over time, these skills improve until eventually, we can do them easily.

As we grow older, our neurons become weaker and less effective. It leads to memory loss or, in extreme cases such as Alzheimer’s disease where your brain cells die off at an alarming rate.

The best way to keep your brain healthy is to exercise it. You don’t want to miss the surprising benefits of exercise. It’s like working out your muscles, the more you use them, the stronger they become.

The more you challenge yourself with new information, learn new skills, and try new things, like learning a language or playing a musical instrument, the healthier your brain will be.

15. Don’t Multitask

Although we often try to do many things at once and strive for perfection, it is important when memorizing not to overwork yourself by multitasking or strive for an all-or-nothing approach.

People who try to do too many things at once usually end up doing none of them well. This can make it difficult for you to succeed in life.

As a first step, you might try to focus on the process of learning rather than memorizing facts and figures.

After your mind fatigues from this effort, you can take a break by doing other daily tasks while letting go of what has entered your memory so far. One way to do this is by being mindful of what you are doing.

For example, when you get hungry while reading on a computer, don’t eat your food while staring at the screen. Instead, look away from it and focus on the food for a moment before going back to reading.

16. Get conversant with the Process: it is not a race

It is normal to feel impatient and restless when you start studying or memorizing something new.

Your mind races, thinking that you are in a race with the world around you. But if you understand that any big changes are long-term projects and not instant solutions, it will be easier to stay calm while working toward your goals.

Be kind to yourself and don’t forget: you are not a machine. You are human, and being human means experiencing emotions like fatigue or boredom.

That’s okay! It can help your reading if you let it open up new possibilities for assimilation. The most important thing is to know how to rest and relax, as well as motivate yourself—and learning will occur naturally in this process. Trust your feelings, and study on your terms.

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17. Use Mnemonic: Acronym

Use an acronym to help you remember words in a specific order. An acronym is like a mnemonic device -it’s made up of the first letters of each word in something, and can be used as an aid when learning new information

You can create acronyms to help you memorize long lists of items or the order in which certain things occur. The acronym ROYGBIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet) has long helped people remember the colours in the rainbow.

18. Use Mnemonic: Rhymes

Try rhyming mnemonic devices to remember dates and other facts. You may find it easier to remember certain points if you put them into the form of a rhyme.

Pick a date, fact, or other important detail for which you need to memorize information; then make up and learn an appropriately-rhyming sentence using that piece of information as its base.

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19. Images: more straightforward to remember than words

When you study, use related pictures or photographs to help you remember. When memorizing numbers, for example, associate images with specific digits.

Do not let your personal biases affect this process of association by creating connections between unrelated objects and things (such as associating 99 with the word “the” because it is one less than 100).

Using pictures or photographs might seem a waste of time to you, but actually, it helps trigger visual memory which improves our ability to learn.

Although all people have different visual memory skills, when you’re trying to learn something quickly it’s important to take advantage of these differences.

20. Relate words to things

One way to help yourself remember things is by relating them to similar topics. This can improve your mind’s ability to make connections between ideas. That is how to develop a growth mindset.

Connecting stuff, simply making associations with one thing and another to make memorization easier, is a basic function of the brain. And you can use this mechanism to memorize faster!

When relating things, the most important thing is to make connections with topics that you are interested in. If you are familiar with something either because it has already come up or because it reminds you of something else, you can recall and elaborate on what others have said about it more easily.

Additionally, you can use pictures and symbols to link new information with old knowledge. This approach is much more efficient than a simple repetition of facts or names.


One very impressive person that started a creative way to remember and memorize things, is no other person than Doctor Ben Carson. You might have heard of that name before. He is described as one of the most popular doctors ever.

In his autobiography, Gifted Hands, Ben Carson mentioned how he used imagination as a key method to memorizing schoolwork faster. Previously the dullest in the class, Ben Carson found a way to make reading a lot more fun and interesting. He was the valedictorian of his class during graduation.

Dr Ben Carson showed that memorizing doesn’t have to be stressful.

It doesn’t have to be something you would want to get over with as quickly as possible. Instead, you can enjoy the process.

As a student, I was always looking for a way to memorize better and faster. I had a working reading technique. Wanted to improve and develop a reading habit that works for me.  I found an expert who gave me suitable advice on how to read properly.

Now, I have shared them with you, other students, and people. Have you been searching for how to achieve your academic goal? Try these tips! Most of the tips are tested and used by me, therefore I would fully recommend all of them.

Good luck!

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