Top 20 Tips To Make Yourself Study Every Day
If you find it hard to study, you’re not alone. It’s the story of almost all students, even those who acquire the topmost grades. Now you may wonder, if it is so, then how do the toppers accomplish such high grades?
The answer lies only in one word- ‘Motivation’. They are so motivated to study that they do it anyway. They do not stop until and unless they complete their study targets.
As a result, they gain plenty of knowledge, polish their skills well, and achieve outstanding grades.
If you also wish to be excellent and gain outstanding grades, this blog is for you. It describes effective ways through which you can motivate yourself to study every day.
If you are struggling with keeping a decent CGPA, you can learn how to raise your GPA in one semester.
1. Set an alluring reward for yourself
Do you like getting rewards? The answer is an obvious yes! The mere idea of receiving a reward in your favorite video game or real life, makes you feel excited.
Similarly, you can use rewards to motivate yourself to study.
Take for instance, you want to study a foreign language, but you have no idea how to learn a new language by yourself.
You can easily start by downloading apps that can help you learn or make use of social media like YouTube and in no time, if you are consistent, you would be happy with the progress you have made.
For this, you can make it a norm that after completing a specific number of study targets (let’s say three), you’ll receive a reward.
It may be anything like a half an hour gaming session, eating your favourite dish, or getting a nap for some time. But make sure to comply with the norm strictly.
One of the advantages of having an excellent final result is getting access to scholarships abroad.
This is a reward you could use to motivate yourself. This video shares some insights about the role of academic success in maximizing graduate opportunities.
2. Create a motivating space
Imagine yourself inside a room full of quotes and pictures of your dream life. How would you feel?
The answer to this question is simple – motivated to work on your dreams.
Thus, you can motivate yourself to study by creating a motivating study space.
To achieve this, you may have to decorate your study space with the choicest quotes, inspirational messages, and pictures of your dream life.
You can also listen to or read the lessons from failures by successful people who have overcome different stumbling blocks at some point in their path to success.
3. Remind yourself of the pressure of overnight studying
You have an exam tomorrow and you haven’t prepared for it earlier. Now, you have only one option left i.e. to study overnight!
Although it can help you pass the examination, it brings along a lot of pressure along. The pressure is sometimes so huge that it makes you feel anxious.
Your anxiety further exposes you to physical troubles like headaches, chest pain, and stomach upset.
As a result, you cannot focus properly on studying even on the last day before the exam. This is the scenario of overnight studies.
Terrible! Isn’t it? I am sure you can relate to it. But you won’t have to face the same scenario again if you keep reminding yourself of the pressure it exerts on you.
This is because the remembrance of the pressure itself motivates you to prevent the same situation from arising again. You can also help yourself by using some certification dumps.
So, every time you lack the motivation to study, remind yourself of the pressure of overnight studying.
4. Set small study targets
To motivate yourself to study, you have to first make studying easy for yourself.
For this, you should set small study targets rather than big ones.
This is because big targets delude your mind into believing that they are too hard to achieve.
As a result, your motivation level drops down.
On the contrary, if you set small study targets, your mind sees them as easy to achieve. This gives a boost to your study motivation.
This is one of the methods to learn how to study smart for exams in less time.
So, when you set your targets, make sure to keep them small.
5. Organize a study competition with your friends
It’s an undeniable fact we all love to be with our friends. We enjoy talking to them and playing with them. But, how about studying with them?
Won’t studying be fun too if you study along with your friends? It will be. So, next time you don’t feel motivated to study, organize a group study session with your friends.
Furthermore, you could make your group study sessions more exciting by organizing competitions. For example, if you have to learn something, you can organize a learning contest.
For this, you have to decide upon a time limit within which you have to learn a particular concept or thing. Once the time interval gets over, you have to recite it.
Having these study contests is exciting and will give you a reason to want to study every time because you know there will always be something fun to do while learning.
You have to understand the importance of education and learn how to make yourself study every day.
The one who remembers the most will be the winner. This way, you can make studying fun and motivate yourself.
6. Realize that studying is key to realizing your dreams
If you dig deep into your heart, you’ll find plenty of dreams residing there. These dreams are yours! Do you wish to realize them?
The absolute answer is – yes. But you can make this happen, only if you start studying right now. You have to make yourself realize that every moment you spend procrastinating, you move a step away from your dreams.
If you make it a habit to realize this thing every morning, you can motivate yourself to study. So, the moment you get up from bed, start recollecting your dreams and dive into the realization that studying right now is the key to their fulfillment.
7. Visualize success
Success is one of the biggest motivators. So, by visualizing your success, you can motivate yourself to study.
It is normal to feel depressed if things are not going the way you want them to and it is also possible that this can affect your performance in school.
So, you can find techniques on how to get motivated to study when depressed. Whenever you lack the motivation to study, try to visualize yourself getting excellent grades in your exams.
Then, you have to ask yourself, “Am I putting in the desired efforts for success?” The moment you ask this question, your conscience will awaken and motivate you to study.
8. Use your imagination
Imagination is a powerful technique for improving willpower. The body often responds to imagined situations in the same way it responds to experienced ones.
If you imagine yourself being called upon on the award-giving day to make a speech, you’ll feel invigorated to make it a reality.
You may be already looking for tips for effective oral presentation so you can give a very good description of how you feel and talk about your journey and every obstacle and trial you faced before getting to this stage.
If you imagine yourself having a distinction in that course, you feel happy to work towards it.
You can use your imagination to build your ability to study consistently.
9. Rest when you’re stressed
Stress, as it turns out, also strongly depletes your ability to study. When you are stressed, you tend to fall back on ingrained habits — whether those habits are helpful or harmful.
As much as you want to read every day, ensure you relax when you are already stressed. You don’t want to study when you won’t enjoy it.
The more you schedule a time to rest, the more likely you will be productive while studying. If your stress is related to trauma or emotional breakdown, you can speak to an education counselor.
10. Have a study zone
It is important to find the right place and time to study. You should have enough space around you, ideally an office or some other room with quiet background noise.
You can go ahead and search for home lighting design ideas on the internet because a well-lit room adds to the beauty of your reading space, and also helps you study better.
You should also have comfortable seating, preferably a chair and table with a laptop on it. Set aside a specific place for studying.
Your study zone can be in your room and/or home office. Either way, what is important is that you should try to spend at least 30 minutes in this zone each day.
The goal is to get into the habit of studying at that time without having to think about it – you will be more likely to do it.
11. Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it
Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. Set aside time every day to study, even if it is just 15 minutes at the end of your day or before going to sleep at night.
Don’t skip it because you think other things need your attention more than studying does; studies show that students who don’t consistently study get worse grades than those who do.
First of all, choose a time that works for you. If you work part-time, you can make a timetable that supports your schedule and help you with studying full-time and working part-time with little to no stress.
It might be better for you to study early in the morning or late at night than during your lunch hour. The key is finding an hour or two that works for both your schedule and your personality.
Next, start with a plan or outline of what needs to be covered by each class period/day of class so that it is easier for your brain to focus on one thing at a time rather than being overwhelmed by all of the information coming at once (which can lead to procrastination).
12. Keep track of your reading progress
You need to do some kind of tracking so that you can see how far along your readings you are. This will help with motivation as well as with knowing what areas of the material still need more work.
It can also help with any specific questions that need to be answered before moving on to another topic area or chapter.
You can use an app or website that helps you keep track of how long your studying lasts each day. Or you can keep track of your progress by writing down how much time you spend on each chapter of your book or how many pages you read each day.
This will help motivate you and keep you on track with your goal.
13. Keep notes
You must keep track of what has been covered in class so that it can be reviewed later on in the week or even at other times during the week if necessary.
A good idea would be to make notes on each lesson. Keep track of what you have learned by writing down notes and taking tests so that you can review them later on.
You can write down all the notes and commit them to memory, or simply take photos of important pages and refer back to them whenever necessary.
Here is an advice for students starting university, if you have a digital camera, taking pictures of pages will help you remember them much faster than writing them down.
14. Sleep and get up earlier
If you want to be able to concentrate on your studies, then sleeping early and getting up early is essential.
You must comprehend the importance of self-discipline for students to make good progress.
This will enable you to get in some extra hours of sleep before starting your day, which will help with concentration levels during class.
Not only this, but it will also give you more time to get ready for class and get out on time without having an excuse not to attend.
Studies have shown that the earlier you get up in the morning and get your work done, the better off you will be.
If possible, try to sleep at least seven hours every night. If it is possible, try to wake up earlier than usual so that you can spend some time doing something physical before going to school or work.
This is important because it helps your body get rid of stress and helps with memory retention during your studies.
15. Keep a study diary
The best way to remember what you studied is to keep a study diary.
It should include a list of all the topics you have covered and the main points of each topic that you want to remember.
You can use this diary as a reference for future exams and papers, but it is also useful for understanding how your previous lessons were covered so that you can see where improvements can be made.
It is important to keep a notebook or diary where you can record your thoughts and ideas as you study. This will help you reflect on what you want to achieve and how to get there.
It can also help you remember the key points of what you have learned, which will help you reinforce these in future studies.
You can keep a journal where you write down notes from each study session as well as any other useful information that might come up during your studies.
This way, everything will be organized in one place and easy for you to access whenever needed, which is always useful when studying for exams or tests.
16. Avoid distractions
Distractions are the number one reason students fail to study. Don’t let yourself fall behind because of distractions.
If you find yourself getting distracted by things like Facebook or Twitter, turn off these apps and put them away until after class has finished.
Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean that there are no positive effects of social media on students.
This will help you focus on what needs to be done and keep you from losing track of things during class. Meanwhile, you are not as good at studying in a noisy environment.
If you need to study while others are talking around you, put on noise-canceling headphones or earplugs to focus on your work without being distracted by other people’s conversations.
If you are studying in an office or a room, make sure your workstation or computer is ready to go when you sit down at it.
You will want all the tools needed for your work right there so that nothing interrupts your work while focusing on studying.
17. Take breaks
You don’t want to burn out before you even begin!
If you feel like you are studying too much, take breaks from studying now and then – even if just for a few minutes – to relax and get some fresh air before returning to your studying session.
You can ask yourself, what can I do outside by myself? like an outdoor hobby, you enjoy doing, or any other fun activity just to help you unwind.
Taking breaks between classes/studies is important because it allows your mind and body to rest so they can continue working efficiently after the break is over.
If your studies are getting too stressful, take a break for a few minutes before continuing. You will be able to come back to focus again when you return to your work.
If possible, take these breaks outside where it is easier to stay focused on what needs to be done. It is essential to take regular breaks from studying so that you don’t get burned out.
You can take a five-minute break after every hour of studying, or even just a fifteen-second break every ten minutes when you need it most (but not always).
Try not to go more than two hours without taking at least one break.
18. Don’t skip classes
While taking breaks is important for keeping yourself focused throughout your day, skipping classes will not help your study life.
As a student, if you are missing class because you were studying, it is wrong.
Missing class will make it harder for you to catch up on the material afterward and make it difficult to complete assignments and tests that require knowledge of previous lectures and discussions.
19. Make adjustments when necessary
If there are parts of your study routine that aren’t working well for you (such as having difficulty concentrating), try making small changes or adjustments until something works better for you – then keep doing what works best.
Knowing when something is not right and finding new means to rectify it, is a good trait. Try to discover the study habits of successful students around you, like a classmate or a senior.
20. Make it fun
The best way to get yourself to study is to make it fun. You don’t have to study every single day, but if you can make the process exciting and enjoyable, you will be much more likely to do it.
The human brain is wired to favor instant gratification over a delayed reward (no matter how big or small it is).
Knowing this fact about your brain can help you resist temptation or push harder on your study goals.
If you break your big goal into a few smaller goals and assign a valuable reward for each small goal achieved, your motivation will be enhanced, and you will be in a better position to study every day.
There are also stress management tips for college students if you are in a higher institution, that can aid you with any form of pressure or tension you may experience.
To conclude, you can motivate yourself to read by practicing the different ways mentioned above.
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Books are like sleeping pills for me and i am still battling with it but i hope that with the help of this post i will be able to overcome it soon.
Yes, you will. Just try to be consistent. You will surely overcome.