Smart Ideas For Planning Eco Friendly Events

Are you interested in getting some eco-friendly event ideas?

Climate change has become a growing concern these past few years, with scientists, activists, and brands voicing their concern for environmental protection.

With this, more and more brands, organizations, and individuals are applying sustainable methods to their operations, including event planning.

Environmentally friendly events have become not just a trend but a global movement.

Event organizers, professional or not, can implement the following steps without spiking their carbon footprint.

1. Consider Pre-owned Rings

Planning green engagement parties or weddings? Another smart and practical way to be eco-friendly is to get vintage or pre-owned rings for the bride. 

Preloved engagement or wedding rings cost less and are a sustainable way to celebrate a huge milestone in life.

Event organizers can suggest a trusted sustainable gemologist to help secure the right rings for the eco-conscious couple.

2. Partner with Green Organizations

Hosting a sustainable event wouldn’t be possible without partners with similar principles.

Working with eco-friendly vendors is good PR and helps drive the event to success, with all parties working toward a common goal.

Before connecting with suppliers and brands, it’s best to ensure their event sustainability practices and see if they’re a great fit for the event being organized.

3. Choose Eco-Friendly Venues

Hosting an event in these cities sends a powerful message to all attendees that its organizers are serious and dedicated to reducing their environmental impact.

A green event largely depends on where it is hosted. For instance, many cities and countries now have event sustainability departments to ensure environmental protection at all costs.

Other questions to ask before booking the event venue include the following:

  • Does the location use solar or other renewable energy sources?
  • Does it have easy access to public transportation?
  • Is the venue capable of hybrid meetings?


4. Keep Distance Short

Transportation emissions make up the largest contribution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States, accounting for about 27% of total US GHG emissions.

Because of this, the shorter the distance for the organizers and attendees to get to the event, the better.

Other ways to limit event carbon footprint are as follows:

  • Setting up a shuttle service or carpooling system for guests and participants
  • Finding a venue that’s close to public transportation
  • Providing a virtual option for participants that are not able to attend in person

5. Go Paperless

Event planning can be much more convenient, seamless, and eco-friendly by using digital tools instead of huge binders.

There are many event management software to help organizers manage bookings, execute plans, collaborate with partners, and more.

Other ways to go paperless include sending Evites rather than paper invitations or tickets. Spreading the word and asking for RSVPs online is now easier with social media, websites, and apps.


6. Keep Water and Energy Consumption Low

A pro tip to ensure minimal water and energy consumption during a green event is to choose a venue that’s a TripAdvisor GreenLeader.

This initiative lists hotels that have committed to green event practices and procedures. It’s best to choose locations with higher ratings, as they have more eco-friendly programs and facilities.

Event organizers can also practice the following:

  • Keep lighting and AC or heat to a minimum whenever possible.
  • Use power-saving modes at the end of show day.
  • Choose LEED-certified venues to ensure high efficiency with minimal waste.

7. Make Waste Disposal Seamless

Trash is inevitable with events. Because of this, it’s essential to have proper waste disposal practices in place.

Install bins with each waste category type: organic, recyclable, general, and hazardous. Then keep guests and attendees informed on where and how to dispose of their trash.


8. Reduce or Recycle Waste

To lessen waste from the event, reduce what you bring on site. Exhibitors can get rid of giveaways that only end up in the trash bin.

Swap printed materials with digital ones. Not only does this help save on costs, but it also frees up space in landfills.

9. Source from Local Vendors

Partnering with the local community is one sustainable way to organize a green event.

Securing food and beverages from far-off places will only add to the event’s carbon footprint. Plus, the extra packaging to keep the goods safe adds to more waste.

By collaborating with local vendors, event organizers get to limit their “food miles,” and they get to showcase and promote local cuisine.

When It Comes to Events, Green Is In

With the events industry picking up pace in a post-pandemic world, the next thing to consider is how to host them sustainably.

While planners and organizations are responsible for this, it’s also up to the guests and participants to ensure eco-conscious practices to contribute to the event’s success.

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Post Author: Abimbola Joseph

Abimbola Joseph is a creative content developer who derives pleasure in encouraging individuals to be the best they can be in all relevant facets of life. She believes that we all have a better version of ourselves which can be leveraged to impact others and make the world a better place. Connect with me on Instagram @abimbolajoe.

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